So What We Got Now Is Brokeback Mountain

Jan 27, 2011 00:51

 (Credit to its owner)

Why am I such a machochist to my heart to post another Brokeback Mountain picsspam?
You know? My heart actually hurts while recollecting the scenes from the movie.
So why?
You sonofawhoreson bitch! I wish I knew how to quit you.

(Credit to giffys @ tumblr)

(Credit to giffys, govannas-, lovelifelivelifebehappy, fearthereaper and among with other talented artists @ tumblr)

Jack used to say, "Ennis Del Mar," he used to say; "I'm gonna bring him up here one of these days, and we'll lick this damn ranch into shape. Had some half-baked notion the two of you was gonna move up here. Build a cabin, help run the place.

Then this spring, he got another fella gonna come up here with him. Build a place, help run the ranch. Some ranch neighbor o' his down in Texas. Was gonna split up with his wife and come back here. But like most of Jack's ideas... never did come to pass.

To my dismay, the loss of Heath Ledger doubles the heartache :( 

denial is not a river in egypt, picsspam, jerk: jake gyllenhaal, movie: brokeback mountain, pairing: ennis/jack

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