Review: Sleuth (Part II)

Oct 09, 2010 23:33

 made by wincestuouslove

Sorry, I ramble too much about this movie, right? :P
Sleuth (2007) is praiseworthy though. And slashy too.

Aside from the psychological manipulation, there were a lot of manhandling and armed-threats in the movie.
Even the weapons they were playing with showed phallicism.
Like, why the fuck did Milo threw Andrew on the bed and then lie beside him?
Or why did he keep kissing the barrel of the gun when Andrew was quivering?

In this part of the review, the homoeroticism in the movie was coarsely divided into four categories --
sadomasochism, sexual insinuations, feminization and the mutual admiration they shared.


Andrew: It's the story of a pathological killer. I call it 'The Smiling Man'.
Milo: Does he come to a bad end?
Andrew: He dies during the act of love, like courtless others.
Milo: Courtless others, right? I can see you've researched the subject thoroughly.
Andrew: What subject?
Milo: Death in orgasm.
Andrew: Isn't it a beautiful notion to die in the arms of your beloved? Can you imagine anything more poignant?
Milo: I can't, no.

Milo: I thought I'm gonna die.
Andrew: You will.
Andrew: How are you feeling?
Milo: Okay. Alright.
Andrew: Excited?
Milo: Quite. Yes.

Detective Inspector Black: She suddenly said you... had a murderous nature. Now that really made my nose twitch.
Andrew: Itch?
Detective Inspector Black: *leans in* Twitch, Mate. *nose tip to nose tip* Twitch.

Apparently Milo loved to play with fire. This character was adventuous.
Even though he was aware of how dangerous Andrew could be and how easily he could be killed , he voluntarily drove his head in the lethal game again and again.

Milo loved taking risks, not necessarily means he also loved the tortures from the consequence.
I think it is absurd to call the "games" between Andrew and Milo "sadomasochistic".
Sadism is a sexual perversion in which gratification is obtained by the infliction of physical or mental pain on others (as on a love object) [1]
Masochism is a sexual perversion characterized by pleasure in being subjected to pain or humiliation especially by a love object [2]

Both of them obviously found great pleasure in insulting and frightening each other. 
They loved to see the other suffering from being humiliated. 
It makes them sadists.
They mainly inflicted psychological pain in order to humiliate the other man. 
Milo physically attacked Andrew by strangulating, manhandling and kicking, while Andrew physically hurt Milo with punches and induced him to finish an unsafe task.

They were so obsessed with fighting to be in charge of the "games", they were obligated to adapt the injure during the process because they would not give in.
In fact, There was no evidence that they had pleasure in receiving physical and psychological impact. They were not really happy about the humiliation, neither.
That does not make them masochists.

Detective Inspector Black: So tell me, what was the point of all this?
Andrew: Humiliation. It's nice to see you wife's lover a shivering, frightened, fucking wreck in front of you. […] The shortest way to a man's heart, as I'm sure you know, is humiliation. It binds you together.

Aww. This is the reason why Milo was such an addict to Andrew's wit --
Andrew won Milo heart the moment he humiliated the young man.

Some people say they were playing a game of "dominance and submission".

"A dominant desires to exercise emotional or relational control over another. A submissive wants to feel such control." [ 3]

Certainly, the duo enjoyed physically and psychologically manipulating each other, to put the other man on his leash. 
They were undoubtedly dominants.

On the other hand, none of them really enjoyed commanding orders nor willing to be controlled.
They were not submissives because they only submitted when being threatened.

In the 3rd round, Milo pretended to submit to Andrew and even acted femme-like to seduce the old man.
However, Milo required Andrew to fulfill whenever he commanded, such as getting him a drink when he asked for it.
Milo, precivably a "bottom" in their new arrangement, still desired to express dominance. It is called "topping from the bottom".

"Someone who is "topping" may be doing so at the request, or even the direction, of the bottom partner(s). In such a case, the dominant's function would reside with the bottom(s). Tops who act within this kind of relationship dynamic are sometimes called a service tops. A bottom who has dominance over the activities or the relationship is said to be topping from the bottom, even though they are really expressing dominance from the bottom."  [ 4]

Sexual Insinuations

Before they started the third game, which was deliberately turned into a homoerotic act, Milo had already focused on the very subtle sexual tension between them and kept making homosexual insinuations.

Andrew: What sort of parts do you play?
Milo: Killers, mostly. Sex maniacs. Perverts.

Andrew: So you're not well-known.
Detective Inspector Black: No, I'm a common-or-garden copper. Just catch sex criminals, perverts. Homicidal maniacs.

It was funny that Milo associated his job with crime passionel and murders twice.
Did he have a fantasy on them or what?

Milo: Maggie never told me you were... such a manipulator. She told me you were no good in bed, but she never told me you were such a manipulator.
Andrew: She told you I was no good in bed?
Milo: Oh, yes.
Andrew: She was joking. I'm wonderful in bed.
Milo: I must tell her.

Usually, the person who dares to comment on a man's sexual performance is the one who had been sleeping with him.
Imagine how scandalous it would sound when Milo told the woman how wonderful on bed her husband actually was.
Also, Milo associated Andrew's dominant tendency with his sex life.

Detective Inspector Black: I mean you're pretty quick on your feet. You should have been a ballet dancer. I can just see you doing pirouettes. Ever worn a pair of tights?
Andrew: Not me.
Detective Inspector Black: They'd suit you.

Andrew: When I shot him he fainted. When he came round I gave him a drink, pat on the bum. He left the house, his tail -- if you want to call it that -- between his legs. And I haven't seen him since.
Detective Inspector Black: You gave him a pat on the bum.
Andrew: Metaphorically.
Detective Inspector Black: You gave him a metaphorical pat on the bum.
Andrew: Sure.
Detective Inspector Black: How did he take it?
Andrew: What?
Detective Inspector Black: The pat!
Andrew: He was fine. He told me it was a game, set and match to me.

Out of all the things Andrew had mentioned, Milo (as the inspector) only focused on the abnormal closeness  between the two of them.
"A pat on the bum", actual or metaphorical, should be quite common between closed friends, but Andrew and Milo were not friends, they were competitors. 
Milo implied the it was a physical intimacy before Andrew clarified it was metaphorical.
Then he determined to emphazise it until Andrew proved his awareness of how Milo adapted to the closure and the game with ease.

Detective Inspector Black: You said he left the house after you shot him.
Andrew: Yes.
Detective Inspector Black: Naked?
Andrew: I don't know those clothes got there.
Detective Inspector Black: So you make him strip before you shot him. Part of the humiliation, was it?

Milo deliberately led Andrew to think about an alternative way of humiliation.

Andrew: Were you breastfed?
Milo: Oh sure. Like a baby.

Andrew's question was very random itself.
Althought I thought they had consensus that Andrew was talking about when Milo WAS still a baby, Milo answered "like" a baby left me in doubt.


To humiliate his contestant, Andrew mocked at Milo’s financial disadvantages and his lack of fame in the acting industry.
He disdained Milo’s cowardice before and after the first game.
He also implied Milo was just one of Maggie’s lovers.
He showed indifferent in Milo’s background, kept mistaking Milo as a hairdresser, underestimated Milo’s English and Italian’s culture level.
Milo fought back by sneering Andrew’s sexual ability and failure in keeping his wife’s heart.
Anyway, their favorite way of humiliation was emasculate each other.

Andrew: I understand you're fucking my wife.
Milo: That's right.
Andrew: Right... Yes, right. So, we've cleared that up.
Milo: We have.
Andrew: I thought you might have denied it.
Milo: Why would I deny it?
Andrew: Well, she is my wife.
Milo: Yes, but she's fucking me.
Andrew: Oh, she's fucking you too, huh? Well, I'll be buggered. Ha ha. Sorry.
Milo: Yes, it's mutual.
Andrew: You take turns?
Milo: We fuck each other. That's what people do.
Andrew: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I follow.

Seriously, this conversation was priceless. If only Milo and Maggie took turns to be buggered...

Milo: I have a funny feeling that I'm a cunt.
Andrew: Of course you're a cunt. But so what? You'll end up a wealthy man. Obey the rules. Just obey the rules.
Milo: Whose rules?
Andrew: My rules.

Even though he was convinced to submit to Andrew, Milo had shown his sensitivity of the importance of domination in their encourter.

Milo: *laughing hysterically* You look so charming. How do you want it? Like this? Or... shorter? *strangulates Andrew with the necklace* Or even shorter like a halter? Hmm?
Andrew: You're hurting me.
Milo: Am I hurting you?
Andrew: Yes, don't hurt me.
Milo: Are you sensitive to pain?
Andrew: Very. Very.
Milo: Aww... I wouldn't want to hurt you, sweetheart. You're too much fun.
Andrew: Am I really?
Milo: Oh yes. You're wicked. I like that. Yeah. *laughs*

The sense of cross-dressing was prominent in this scene.
Milo even kissed Andrew's cheek and neck several times, and was about to bite his ear. Very gay...
Jude looked very cute too!

During the third game, Milo pretended to give in to Andrew’s financial temptation by being the “ girl” in their new arrangement.

Milo: Of course, this is your marriage bed, isn't it? Is this where she took your virginity? Is this where your wife deflowered you? Is this where you were deflowered?

Milo: Do you know who you are? You’re a menace. *crawls on top of Andrew* Also, you’re a cunt.

Mutaul Admiration

Andrew: Tell me, I bet you didn't expect me to be so intelligent... so quick-witted, didn't you?
Milo: Oh, I did. Quite.

They always ask each other rhetorical question to commend and defense themselves.
There is no doubt that Milo had heard, probably from Maggie, and admired Andrew’s mind.
On the other hand, Milo knew he was a witty individual himself, and he would appreciated a direct compliment from Andrew, especially on his intelligence.

Andrew: What sort of parts do you play?
Milo: Killers, mostly. Sex maniacs. Perverts.
Andrew: But you're so charming.
Milo: Yes, I know.

Andrew: You know something? I'm beginning to respond to your charm.
Milo: Get away.
Andrew: No, it's true.
Milo: Oh, really? I'm really touched.
Andrew: You should be.

Detective Inspector Black: So this guy had a sense of humor, is that what you're saying?
Andrew: Oh yes. He left the house with a twinkle in his eyes.

Andrew: As a matter of fact, I like him. I thought he was attractive. I thought we could have become good friends.
Detective Inspector Black: You found him... attractive?
Andrew: I put myself in my wife's shoes in a manner of speaking. I was trying to find out what attracted her to him.
Detective Inspector Black: And did you?
Andrew: Oh yes. He was really terribly sweet. I could she why she fancied him.

Milo ignored all the things Andrew had talked about and only focused on the compliment he received.
He made sure to ask for an elaboration as well.

Andrew: You're a total shit.
Milo: I know.
Andrew: But, you're also a genius too.
Milo: I know that, too.

Andrew: You like games, don't you?
Milo: Some. Not all.
Andrew: But you like being in charge, of the game.
Milo: Oh yes, sure.
Andrew: I like a man who wants to be in charge of things.
Milo: Do you?
Andrew: Yes, I do.

Andrew: You know something? I like your mind.
Milo: Do you really?
Andrew: It excites me. I like the way you go about things.
Milo: You mean you like my style.
Andrew: Oh, I like your style. I like it very much.

Andrew: God, you’re so strong, so ruthless, aren’t you?
Milo: Yes.

Andrew: Or, of course, a little threater. You're a wonderful actor. You can choose all the plays and play all the leading parts.
[Milo girns]

Milo: So glad that you like my mind. Not many people like my mind. Quite a few people like my body but can't think of anyone who likes my mind. That makes you unique. But then of course, you know what they say -- The mind is the body.

There were thousands of uncertainties in the movie.  The relationship between the characters was ambiguous. The intention of Milo had altered thorough the game. The sexuality of Andrew was unclear... Even the ending was open. I bet it would be a sequel if the movie made money.
Anyway, as a slasher myself, what better than gayness is the cliffhanging Unresolved Sexual Tension (UST) between the male characters. This movie did not disappoint us.

Credit to

Law Of Attraction and other owners for the screencaps

jerk: jude law, review, movie: sleuth

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