Title: The Affects on the Other
siriuslyyellowRating: PG-13
Warning(s): Sam/Dean, slash, incest, language, angsty, fluffy
Spoilers: Up to the end of season three, just to be safe. ^.^;; (No real spoilers though - just Sam’s visions stuff)
Word Count: 801
ladydeth12, Sam’s visions, hammock, old photo album, "But I want to go see the largest ball of twine!”
Disclaimer: Supernatural, Sam, Dean, and all the other wonderful Supernatural stuff belong to Eric Kripke and the CW. Not me. Please don’t sue me. I’m so poor I that I only went to see The Dark Knight 3 times so far... *sighs dejectedly*
Beta Acknowledgement: Thanks and love to
kowaiyoukai! *glomps* ^__^*
Summary: Sam and Dean hunt the bogeyman, and find out it’s not as easy as they thought.
A/N: This is dedicated to
ladydeth12, whose challenge this was at
wincest_fic for July 2008. *hearts* Sorry if it sucks, I was short on time and ideas. I hope you all enjoy it, anyway! ^.^;
The Affects on the Other