Title: What's Fallen Between
ladyrhyanne Rating: R
Warning: Wincest, swearing
Spoilers: 3.16 No Rest For The Wicked, 4.01 Lazuras Rising, 4.04 Metamorphasis, 4.14 Sex And Violence
Word Count: 3,799
my_sam_dean, claw, scent, cloud, "It could be worse."
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and the CW. No profit is being made from this fanfiction.
Summary: Things haven't been right since Dean came back from hell, add a hellhound that Sam can hear and things just got worse.
A/N: I know I'm late, I failed this month. Sorry
my_sam_dean. Hope you like it all the same.
Sam/Dean this way... Comments and constructive criticism snuggled.