dracotops_harry Fest
reveals all of the great writers and artists today, so I can scream here,FINALLY!!!!
vaysh11 wrote
The Silent Auror for
my work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know It's you! But I have to wait until now to thank you here!
Thanks for
valinorean who encouraged me to join the fest, I'm so glad I did! Last month I can read top!Draco / bottom! Harry everyday...Awwwwwww I can't tell you how happy I am!!!!!
And thanks for
alaana_fair who helped me with English! *squishes you*
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My favorite fics of the fest:
Blueprints for a Dream by
frayach Fast Forward, Two Steps Back by
emmagrant01 Hearts and Dreams Are Also Fragile Things by
valinorean The Silent Auror by
vaysh11 Lover There By Lover by
lomonaaeren ◎ I do not own these characters. They belong to J. K. Rowling and the associates. I draw them just for fun. ◎
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. 转载请务必注明作者及出处。禁止利用本人之著作营利。禁止变更、变形或修改本人之著作。