Future!fic - Tuesday

Mar 18, 2008 15:10

ssstevie and I are combining forces today. So half are from her and half are mine. ^__^ Enjoy!

Title: The Sound of a Heart Taken
Author: kilynn16
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Egregious use of apostrophes.
Word Count: 1,622
Spoilers: None.
Characters/Pairings: Sam 'n' Bobby, Dean
Disclaimer: If I did own them, I sure as hell wouldn't spend my evenings writing fic.
A/N: Unbeta'd.
Feedback: Praise, criticism, cookies, rotten tomatoes, all are welcome here.
Summary: A warm fire, a bottle of Beam, and two old hunters talking about the past.

Title: Five Things Chevy Winchester Could Never Tell Her Father.
Author: moment_of_sen / Sena
Characters: OFC, non-graphic Dean/Sam
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: a couple of swearwords, Wincest.
Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: Nope, still haven't managed to steal them. Dang. Chevy is mine and Willow's tho.
Notes: Here you go then, my dear estel_willow, here is your request. Hope you like!
Summary: The title is pretty much it. Completely straightforward.

Title: Any Language Would Be Superficial
Author: dev_earl
Word Count: 4223
Rating: NC-17; for language and sexual content.
Disclaimer: if they were mine, i'd keep them jollygood happy, hopped up on sugar and forever on prank war mode.
Summary: sam and dean attend a wedding. sex happens.

Title: The Only Rock I Know (is You)
Author: kuromatic
Characters: Bobby, Dean/Sam, Jo, other original characters
Word count: 3500
Rating: PG (there is pg level sam/dean)
Spoilers: Season 3 episode 8 (one small reference)
Disclaimer: Don’t own any of these characters. Just non-profit playing with them.
Prompt: Bobby cleans house
Summary: AU 16-20 years in the future, moving is a lot of work and Bobby shouldn't be doing it all by himself
Additional Notes: The link takes you to fluffandfold where there are directions on how to read this story. It is password protected.
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