RPS/Slash/Wincest - Monday

Mar 03, 2008 10:36

Title: L'Oiseau de feu (title page, all parts of the story are linked there)
Author: rei_c
Pairings: Sam/Dean, minor Dean/OFC, past Sam/Jess
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: approx. 66K
Summary: The demon makes a deal with Sam and Dean: one mystical creature in exchange for their father. The ensuing quest might take some time, but Winchesters never give up, no matter how tough things get.
Warnings: General spoilers up through 2x17, going AU from there with vague spoilers from 2x21 and 2x22. Incest. Language. Angst. Horror. Schmoop. Amnesia. Dub-con. An overabundance of internal monologuing.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, and any (and all) errors relative to folklore, mythology, geography, demonology, and/or canon spoken of herein are mine and mine alone.
Author’s Notes: Mod note: Author's notes and several links are on the title page linked above. I felt kind of weird copying all of her links, so I thought you could find them their yourself.

Title: The World's A Small Child in the Dark.
Author: stele3
Pairing: Sam/Dean WINCEST
Rating: NC-17 for sex, language, fraternal incest
Word Count: 13,250
Summary: Post-AHBL II. Dean made his deal: he's got a year. This is that year.

Title: I'll Bring the Pillows aka FORT PADACKLES; or, TEXAS/TEXAS.
Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles.
Rating: T for NON-STOP TEXASOSITY. And boykissing. Boykissing gets a "T", right?
Author: missdeviant
Words: 2,368
Dedication: For B. I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could.
Feedback: = love and ponies.
Summary: If the Texas history books got it right - and truth be told, sometimes they didn't - the Mexicans lay siege to the Alamo for thirteen straight days. Every night, the Texans rebuilt their wall, trying to hold back an enemy that wouldn't quit.
On the thirteenth day, the wall finally fell.

Title: Open Doors
Author: light_up
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: adult
Word Count: 3,300 words
Summary: On the last week of filming for season four they get official word from the network that the show isn't going to be picked up again. Jensen doesn't feel anything about it when he hears - it's not a surprise. They ve been heading this way since the beginning.

slash, wincest, rps

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