gen/het/rpf - Friday

Mar 01, 2008 18:48

I'm so sorry this is so late guys!!!

Title: Be Your Hero
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Sam and Dean (Gen)
Rating: PG
Summary: A little post-"Mystery Spot" humor and angst.

Title: These Things Return to Me (that Still Seem Real) 
Author: apreludetoanend
Rating:PG, Gen
Summary:It's a shadow, a figment, a ghost from a past life that never happened.
Warning: Spoilers through 3.12! I don't know whether this is a 3.11 coda, a 3.12 coda, or both. The part where I said I absolutely wasn't interested in tattoo fic? Apparently, I lied. Title from Metallica's Hero of the Day.

Title: First Time Mary Met John
Author: Shallowz
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG13
Characters: Mary, John
Warnings/spoilers: Pre-series
Word count: 749
Disclaimer: Supernatural is not mine. No profit is being made … etc.
Summary: See title. Companion piece to First Time John Met Mary

het, gen

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