Jul 07, 2004 23:10
We as staff at the center here in New Orleans went to Pensacola this past Sunday and Monday. It was a lot of fun. I got sunburned on Monday. We were out there for like 5 hours. So,stupid me just never put on any sunscreen. So, yeah. I look like a lobster. But, I bought a boogie board and that was really fun.
So, it seems that another friend of mine is thinking about not coming back to Judson. Whats up with this? Everyone wanting to leave. Thats just not cool. I don't know what I'm gonna do if all my friends leave. Miranda and Sue are already not coming back. Now Money is thinking about it. So, all thats really left if those three don't come back from my clique is Christine, Erica(and we know those two get along real great), Jennifer,and Catherine.
There is a girl here at the center from Montgomery. She is an interesting girl let me say. If you ask any of us except her how we got to the carver center or what made us wannacome here or why summer missions. We all have an interesting story and will at some point say that it was God that brought us here. But, not this chick. She tell you that she made a promise to her grandmother that she would "do missions" with her this summer. Then her grandmother died and while her grandmother was on her death bed she made this girl promise that she would still "do missions". Thats cool andall,and a real tear jerker. But you can tell the girl doesn't want to be here. She's miserable. She wanted to go somewhere elsebut they didn't want her b/c she doesn't come from a baptist church (apparantly, it was church-building mission,and really needed someone with a baptist background). So, yeah this girl is miserable. And I know that at times I can be pretty lazy, but this girl has got me beat. She'll leave clothes in the washer for three days just because she doesn't want to walk downstairs to take them out of the washer and put them in the dryer. She tries to delegate her jobs to other people so she doesn't have to do anything. OMG,its awful. We're all pretty frustrated with her. The bad thing is that I noticed this on my own,before I had even been here for a week. So I asked someone without tryingto sound mean or judgemental or anything and they said the exact same thing before I even said anything that I had noticed.
Ok, I'm getting frustrated. The space bar on this keyboard doesn't work towell, so if words are ran together-its not my fault.