Tegoshi continues being flawless

Mar 25, 2014 10:56

aka NEWS 10th Anniversary DVD, Encore stage

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Tegoshi's encore speech ( the eight minutes), part two translation:
( part 1 here)

And when we were wondering where we should hold the event... we were surprised seeing everyone's passionate response on the tour and being told that ”NEWS can pull off the event in Tokyo Dome!”, the four of us were truly happy. For we had already written off Tokyo Dome and thought that it was a place we couldn't return to anymore.

Johnny's Agency is a big agency and the groups have a lot of fans. It is even possible to hold the first concerts as a group in Tokyo Dome. But we.. we began in halls, starting from Odaiba Hall, then toured the arenas and then performed in Domes. And then last year we couldn't perform in Domes like we usually had.. we were really sad and disappointed and thought that as four we couldn't stand on Dome stages... maybe we couldn't fill the Domes anymore.

We were really sad and disappointed then, but looking at this year's tour and when the Tokyo Dome dates were decided... how to say it.. those feelings can't be put to words, my feelings for you all.

I usually call you things like ”girlfriend” or ”honey”, but even more than that... how to say.. I love you, everyone. I am really really happy to have been born as Tegoshi Yuya and having met you all. You make me so happy that I just want to repeat the word happy over and over again and the feeling gives me the will to make you smile even more. To make you think of Yuya instead of meals, think of Yuya when you go to sleep or take a bath (like: nn~ let's enter the bath together~?) :D

As a part of Johnny's number one group that makes people smile, I Tegoshi Yuya am aiming to be with you in your thoughts all the time, day and night.
I am a free-spirited delinquent boss, who might sometimes make you worry, sometimes have a girlfriend and sometimes forget lyrics. There are many sides to me, but they all are me, Tegoshi Yuya. And I am a piece of NEWS. So please support this one piece of NEWS, Tegoshi Yuya, from now on too.
I am truly thankful for the past ten years.
Thank you so much.

.......now let's all cry in a corner.

//edit. thank you very much for all the nice comments. Let's support Tegoshi and NEWS together from now on too~~

flawless, translation, news, tegoshi, awwww

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