Oct 07, 2005 19:46
Interesting week. I made a major decision on Wednesday to leave my church and start looking for a more intimate church. I've been struggling with a lack of motivation or desire to be there. It finally dawned on me when I was driving to Chicago Sunday morning that I didn't miss or feel bad at all about not being in church. That's not good. Anyway, I sent a well-thought out and constructive letter (email) to the Senior Minister and the Music Director. As is usual, I received a one-line "good luck" response from the Senior Minister and a page-long response from the Music Director, offering suggestions for churches as well as telling me that if I ever changed my mind, I was welcome to come back anytime. One of my frustrations has always been the lack of "people skills" of the Senior Minister. Everything that Don (the Director of Music) said to me should have been said by the Senior Minister.
After making the decision and sending off the letter, I felt very at peace with my decision.
I'm feeling like the cloud of depression and sadness I've been living under for almost six months is finally lifting. I sat out in my backyard this evening, which is the Lake Monona shoreline, and was calm and peaceful for the first time in a long time. I have a new part-time job that I enjoy and that takes a great deal of financial pressure off of me. I'm feeling better abut being single and living alone. I'm starting to work on my diet and exercise programs. Things are improving. Finally.