Sep 15, 2008 00:11
every single one of us has some form of money management style.
but firstly lets look at the age group of people.
Generation X those Under 21.
Generation Y those Between 21 to 30.
Middle aged 31 to 50.
Baby Boomers 50 to Senile.
some choose to spend every single cent not saving for tomorrow, a.k.a Life Lovers / Spenders
some choose to save every single cent they get their hands on, a.k.a Saver / Hoarder
some choose to avoid money matters, a.k.a Ninjas / Evaders
some just simply choose to think they are "higher" then money, a.k.a Saints / Monks
all of us can be placed in more then one of those categories. Yet each different category has its on traits and characteristics.
Life Lovers / Spenders
More commonly found in the Generation X and Y.
They tend to splurge on anything that makes them happy. Some examples would be shopping for things they want, not need. Having meals at posh places, going to parties every other day, buying drinks for people they might not even know. They tend to be more fun loving, open, social-able and some times even stuck up cause they have spending power. But who wont wanna spoil themselves once in awhile? This category spoils themselves as much as possible, don't be surprised that they spend more then 90% of their money on entertainment, guess where the other 10% goes. It goes to their bills and necessities. Leaving nothing for emergencies.
Saver / Hoarder
Mostly are from the middle aged and above.
In the case of Singapore, they have slogged through the developing stages of Singapore and know the importance of saving money. Saving money is a good start for everyone. Who know when something unpleasant might happen and we might just urgently need money. A friend of mine told me once, in Singapore, if i don't have eight thousand in my bank. I'm unable to give my one of my parent a proper funeral in the event they suddenly pass on. I was stunned. Saving is a good habit to have, but not turn into an obsession. Some people are deemed stingy, cheap skate and even a miser. Nothing wrong to save money, but sometimes if saving makes one unhappy, do indulge in some enjoyment to lighten up one's live. People in this category tend to plan every single detail of a budget and never, did i mention never burst their budget. They live within their means, sometimes even under spend to have that extra cent to be stored away in the bank account. Saving is step one, growing it to a fortune through investments is step two.
Ninjas / Evaders
They can be found anywhere in any age group, they always escape the topic of money. When a friend would ask them have they bought any investment or retirement insurance. They tend to change topic naturally, evading the issues of money, throwing a smoke bomb and disappear from the topic. Some complain day and night about inflation and rising oil prices. One best way of identifying a ninja is when they open up the mail box and see a bill, they would shove it one corner and wait till the reminders magically appear in the mail box again then they take action.
Saints / Monks
This are the rarest breed of human beings. These people believe money is the root of all evil, money is a problem generated by man. To discuss about money matters to them, they might sometimes condemn the idea of talking about money. They feel being in touch with nature, religion, personal beliefs and culture is more important then money.
all of my own money habits lie in this four categories. once we can understand our "money attitude", harness our thoughts about money and we can manage our money with ease and enjoy life. I personally belief that money is important and gives me lots of headaches, with proper money management knowledge, we would have one less problem to be stressed about and focus more of our time and energy to other aspects of our lives.
more would be typed here. i'll share of more of my own money sense here too..
Smile, in the face of adversity.
wimpy's talk