middle of the night or early in the night, no problem. Anything, anything at'all is no sweat. What'ya mean, i'm not supposed to make 4am fun? I can't not do it. I can't not look at that face and get all smiles.
really, having this cute of a child is hard on the arteries; it's like eating nothing but rich food. you know it's so goddamned good, and you know it's gonna kill you.
annabel really just is too, too cute beyond super dupa cupa, if you know what i'm saying. If not, there's no need to. But wow, beyond being just generally, more often than often, constantly in utter rapture is just an is.
Today, this morning, my little boo had her first true bath. Day before yesterday the last remnants of the umbilical cord said "adieu" and paved the way for the non-spongebath way of life. Yes, in the realm of belly button advancement, she has proven to be lagging in the back of the herd, but otherwise, my child is in the 90th %ile in terms of height, and is 50% for weight and head circumference. Who knew these were things to keep track of? Who knew these were things people wanted to know about? I have also heard grandparents and the like talking about how tremendously smart this child already is. Advanced mental capacity. Advanced neck and smiling muscles. Consonants.
i am happy that she is doing swimmingly.
and there must be a picture for me to share and lo
there it is.
"dote. dote. dote." it's a song that i sing.