Gah, my arms are sore and I'm super tired! :/ I thought summer was supposed to be fun?

Jun 03, 2009 22:00

"I think it's written in... spinach"
"Thats french!

...yeah, so that is part of the craziest dream I've ever had. :P It is weird, but lately I've been dreaming in this pseudo-french thing. Many of my friends who've studied foreign languages (and visted the countries that spoke them) say that eventually they would realize that they were dreaming in german/spanish/japanese/whatever and suddenly realize "Hey, I'm pretty fluent!" Not me (aside from the fact that I'm not in a french-speaking country) I'm not even sure what I'm dreaming is real french. But I'll hear non-englsh words and 'interpret' them in my head... but when I wake up I can't remember anything so I don't know if its real, but in my dream I understood everything, and also understood that it wasn't english. Weird.

But this time, I was reading french children's books when someone came up and asked if it were written in... spinach? I don't know if it was supposed to be spanish and my brain just didn't quite get it or what, but I woke up soon after that and couldn't quite get over that particular line (that I hadn't forgotten yet, either :P)

Ahh, its been a crazy day. I just found out that my driver's license has been suspended (or, at least, might be). Apparently anytime you get into a car accident in Indiana, no matter how small (which mine involved me barely scraping someone else's back bumper going about 5 miles an hour in a parking lot) you have to file a crash report within ten days. Well, my car accident happened two months ago. >.> Fail. I never actually knew about this and have been freaking out. But reading the actuall crash report, it says that only counts in the damage is over $1000... and the insurance in claiming the damage to the other car is $490 (mine has some paint smear... nothing I consider worth fixing) so I don't know if they've actually suspended my license (or if they even can) but I filled out the report just in case and need to go to the BMV soon to see whats going on. :/

And then my brother got hit by a car. >.< Yes, the kid just ran into the stree without paying too much attention to what he was even doing. We had just gotten home and he was coming from his friends house across the street. I was about to tell him he had prefect timing when this car just came up and nailed him. It was pretty scary for a while... but he went to the hospital and got some x-rays and a cat scan and he'll be fine. No internal bleeding or broken bones... he just had to have a few cuts bandaged up and some staples in his head. But still, I would be freaking out. And I feel bad for the lady who hit him. I'm sure she is feeling horrible. I'd be scared to drive if I ever hit someone... even if they ran out in front of my car. :/
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