I can hear them again! It's amazing! I can hear them in my sleep and they tell me so much! Oh, how I missed their thoughts. They tell me that Frauke and Charlie and the Buckets and my father are doing well! My father is about to pull his hair out. I can't imagine why. Frauke is such an amazing young lady. I suppose he hasn't learned her language yet. I suggested Martianese before but he refused to learn it.
Huh. Oh, the update...yes. Of course I should give an update. How silly to have the entry entitled as such and not give one. Yes...the reason I can hear them again...I remembered the reason why I could hear them in the first place. My Oompa Loompas and I have a link. It was nearly severed when I started to venture into the darkness. Now that I am out, I can hear them again! Even at this distance, I can hear them. Most of the time, we don't have to talk at all. We can hear each others thoughts as if we were speaking the words.
It's really an amazing feat. Once I am gone from this world, the powers will be passed to Charlie. Their song will be his song. My song will become his. Everything will all be passed to him. He will soon be the master of the realm of dreams! To inherit such a magnificent power is...immeasurable! When it was given to me, I felt...oddly comforted that I was no longer alone. Sure they were there in body but to feel them, to hear their thoughts, to know their dreams....that is the true sign of a bond that can never be broken by Earthly means and I nearly lost it completely.
The potion...the way Charlie worried, the way Frauke came to me that day....the day that I knew that I had to go to Japan to face a new bond that will soon never be broken....brought them all back to me. Everything! I couldn't be happier! (Yes, I'm getting to that.)
The truth be known, there is a reason for all of this. I'm...falling in love. I can't explain it any more than that. Simple. Short and clean....yes. She and I are going to visit the Shinigami world soon. I think that's what it's called. I don't really know if it's really love that I'm feeling. I know that it's strong. It's strong enough to bring me back to the side I was supposed to be on which is the side where everyone else is. I was feeling a bit evil....a short while ago, I nearly killed a man. I have regrets but I can't stop just because of a mistake. I let him go and he lives, though I think I have severed that tie clean.
Well, he lied to me. I can't forgive that. I suppose what drove me to such evil thoughts was the moment I felt reality's grip chocking me into submission. I live and remain alive for the purpose of hope. I give people the chance to escape reality even for a moment. I can't lose that gift. It grieves me deeply if for a moment that I hear doubt. Doubt kills hope. Happiness smashes doubt and fear isn't a word in my vocabulary. To be afraid kills the mind slowly and painfully. I wish to hold on to my dreams as long as I can. The moment I was lied to, the moment I felt reality's grip around my throat was the day that I nearly died inside. I can't have that.
My magic is unlike any other. It is my own and my own creation. I am the dreamer of dreams. I am the reality made from a dream and that dream is to be forever because I believe that I can. Maybe not in body, but in spirit. Charlie will be the next Willy Wonka and it will forever be a name that will never die. He will still be Charlie but to the world he will be Willy Wonka. The same goes for the next he chooses. Willy Wonka wasn't born from a man. Willy Wonka was born from a dream and that dream will continue on forever. Yeah! That's why the heir is chosen.
The day I marry this Willy Wonka will die and become Wibur Wonka Jr. once more. It is still too soon to tell for certain what fate has in store for me. Only time will tell and she is a cruel mistress.