sosdanchou asked: What are Crowley's thoughts on yaoi Haruhi~ shush I'm not a whore
Or! How seriously does Crowley view/take his job in camp and how does he feel about being stuck here.
...Uh. Okay.
First question, because it's so very easy to answer:
Crowley is pretty hard to shock, sexually speaking. I don't know if it's acceptable to adopt canon (in this case, pre-canon) from fanfic, but there's a lovely fanfic by Daeger called "
Iconography" (thank you again, Azzie for pointing that out to me) that covers Crowley and Aziraphale's years before the events in the novel. There's one passage I find particularly in-character, and I'm going to quote it here:
"Before you say anything," he said, "that guy came looking for me, not vice versa. He's already a lost cause so don't waste your time trying to show him the error of his ways."
"Oh, dear me yes," Aziraphale said. "He's been embezzling from his department for months to pay for some floozy."
"Charitable as ever, I see."
"She's two-timing him of course, with a handsome, penniless - but well-endowed, one assumes - gardener."
"Terrible people, these floozies."
"The gardener meanwhile, has a boyfriend he's really awfully fond of but he thinks what the poor fellow doesn't know won't hurt him. However, the boyfriend - who had originally been studying for the priesthood until he fell head-over-heels in love and ran away from the seminary - has of late been plagued with guilt and is visited in his dreams by what he's perfectly sure is the devil, who tells him he's going to burn for his horrible sins and must be useless in bed anyway seeing as his one true love is off messing around with girls every chance he gets, and it really looks like this unfortunate fellow is going to snap one of these fine days and chop his friend up with the axe that a little voice told him to go and buy yesterday. Stop me when this starts getting too familiar, won't you, dear?"
"Oh," Crowley said. "That gardener."
So, if Crowley is setting up love-triangles like the above (which is the assumption I've drawn) to mess with humans, somehow I doubt a little yaoi would bother him. He probably thinks it's amusing. Actually, what he probably thinks is even more amusing is how uptight people are about yaoi. (Because if it makes people uptight, it must be good, right?)
Next part:
Crowley finds Haruhi interesting, for a human, but... sometimes he feels she... teeters a bit. Sometimes she seems poised to fall into the same trap as a lot of the other insufferable bores er... "unique snowflakes" in camp. Confidence is great, and he's got no issues with arrogance, but she could go from intriguing to boring pretty quick. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I think if Haruhi were to ever assume an annoying sense of entitlement, she would cease to hold any interest for Crowley. And I suppose some may argue she's already GOT that sense of entitlement, but it's not... it's different somehow. Haruhi commands a room the moment she walks into it, without really trying. The moment she starts trying, starts demanding, then Crowley's done with her.
He admires her criminal mind penchant for unique schemes, and he still thinks she'd make an excellent agent of Hell. However, he also feels that she's slightly immature in some respects and a bit too used to getting her own way (yes, I realize this contradicts the paragraph above). He thinks she's got a lot to learn, and he rolls his eyes a bit at the fact that one with so little life-experience can act so worldly. Usually he humors her in a, "Yes, yes, dear; whatever you say, dear" kind of way, because he simply doesn't care enough to do anything else.
He likes her well enough -- and he likes her quite a bit -- but he's not... really that deeply attached to her yet. In fact, he's hugely tempted to see the tables turned on Haruhi, so he can witness how she takes her own medicine.
And, finally:
Crowley takes his job in camp... moderately seriously. He's easily distracted from it because he doesn't really like it. I mean, he liked it well enough at first, and for the first few weeks or so he was having a blast tempting people. But now he's... he's bored with it. He'll do it because ... well, Hell. You don't want Hell to catch you goofing off on the job, that's for sure. So he's kind of... he's doing enough to get by without attracting notice (even though I haven't had him do an ethics counseling post in about a month aha).
He isn't quite sure why he's been sent to camp, but the longer he's there, the less he likes it. It won't be long before he figures he's been demoted, actually. He isn't completely thrilled about living with humans, because it introduces a host of difficulties (actually, I'm catching him associating less with humans and more with the non-mortal types lately). He can't do his thing and then leave -- he has to stick around. And do you know how difficult it is to stick around somewhere, form relationships with people, and then tempt them, screw them over, and not skip town afterward? This may be why he's not associating much with the human characters anymore.
Long story short: he's increasingly unhappy in camp.