Ok, I have to dispell these rumours right now. Those rumours that say my son is cute. He's not cute, he's the devil incarnate!!
I have proof:
Click to view
Also, in reference to my last post, in which I was quite adamant about the need for Emma/Jefferson(Mad Hatter) kinky fic... I have gotten creative, vid-wise**. The beginning of a vid...
Of course, this is the first 50 seconds or so and they're very linear... but after the first real crescendo of music, the timeline will start to go all jumpy and non-linear and Enchanted Forrest/Wonderland scenes. JUST YOU WAIT.
Click to view
** SQUEE YOU GUYS! A return to vidding!! Which also marks about my fourth youtube account, because apparently you can't login if you forget your password and you no longer have access to the email you were using. In fact, you can't even contact them for help to retain control of your account, because every help link sends an email TO THE ACCOUNT YOU CAN'T ACCESS ANYMORE. Gahfuckit. Ugh. Never fear, all the VM vids and whatnot are still live on the old account, I just can't ADD to them. Hence, the new one.
Let me know what you think, guys. Feedback is always appreciated.