What makes me happy, day five:
** Hot, hot sunshine. Thankheavens, summer has finally arrived.
** Little boys who actually keep their hats on in the sunshine (not always gauranteed).
** Fresh blueberry muffins.
** Chocolate icecream in the park.
** Picnics in the park, with ducks, and family.
** Babies splashing in a paddling pool.
** A new computer on its way!
** Writing some fic.
** Updating photo albums.
Gakked from
* Pick your top twenty movies of all time or at the moment.
* Post their movie posters.
* Tag!
Um, no tags. I don't tag. Do it if you want.
I had to scramble at the end there, and I'm sure I've missed a few vital ones... but it's nearing midnight and I'm tired. That's what you get.