So! Again, the effects of scientific illiteracy, combined this time with misguided attempts at racially correct policies.
Ah, for fuck's sake.
Let's clarify here: Cystic Fibrosis is not a 'white' disease, just as Sickle Cell anemia is not a 'black' disease, and Tay-Sachs is not a 'Jew' disease. But still, you've taken it upon yourselves to buy into the hype and drop a million-dollar funding apparatus that tries and help people breathe again. Fuck you.
What? You're going to put it into cures for Sickle Cell or Tay-Sachs? Hmm? How about those 'black' diseases like Marburg? Malaria? Hey! How about 'Yellow' diseases like SARS! It's more equal, right? No wait, better not do that, there are more yellows than whites in the world (still, CF is more prevalent in blacks than it is in Asians). Fuck.
Don't think that just because it was a CANADIAN initiative that discovered and isolated the genes for CF that the funding is important. Don't think that just because it was discovered in a CHILDREN'S hospital and typically is diagnosed in childhood that funding might be important. Nope, just go off and think that you've scored a big blow against the White Man when you're actively denying the ability for people to choose charitable donatation in combatting a disease that has been noted as being one of the most prevalent life-shortening chronic conditions with a genetic basis.
Just don't blame whitey when your child can't stop coughing.