Christmas with Grubbs is a heartwarming, animated, holiday special that takes a lot of inspiration from the classic cartoons I grew up watching this time of year, especially the Peanuts specials.
Oh, Gen X! Here, this is for us:
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Did you feel it? Even now, I feel it.
Okay, so on to Grubbs! It’s adapted from
Max Weaver’s comic about a little boy and his imaginary friend who keeps getting him into trouble. I get to voice the imaginary friend, Tyler, and it was even more fun than you think.
This is such a lovely, classic,
heartwarming holiday special, that is perfect to watch with your kids. I’ve embedded the YouTube link below, where it’s freely available for everyone to watch and *cough* *cough* share with your friends and family so we have a better chance to be picked up for a full season.
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