Jul 10, 2011 08:29
So, you guys may recall that Fisher's timetabler said he'd get back to me in the second week of July. He was in fact slightly early in that regard, but that's hardly something to complain about.
So, to the timetabling. His solution is so elegant I can't believe he didn't think of it earlier: week-ise the timetable. So, in JF's Week A, I'll have Latin on Monday period 5 and Thursday 2-3, and in Week B, it'll be Wednesday 1 and Thursday 1-2. Probably twilights as well and so on, but do you know what this means? This means I don't have a single clash. Between anything. It's bloody fantastic. :3
(This does assume that JF's and Wallington's week systems will remain in harmony throughout, but here's hoping they can sort that. Otherwise: yay, clashes. Only not really "yay". You know what I mean.)
the a-level options saga