Five Years

Oct 19, 2008 22:58

I don't know who reads this anymore but I needed to just... let it out I guess.

Today, October 20th 2008 is five years since my grandpa passed away.  And I don't really know what to say about that.  Five years.  That's a long fucking time.  But I don't feel it.  But at the same time I do.

When I think about missing him and it hurting I feel like the scared depressed little girl I was five years ago.  The girl who would come home from school, cut herself, and go to sleep.  And thinking about him missing makes me feel like I'm still a mess like that.  And it makes me feel really disappointed in myself and feel like that's still who I am...

But that's not who I am... and I don't know what to say about that.

And then I think I don't know who I am but I feel like I'm really close to figuring out who I am...

My head's messy right now.  I don't know how I'm feeling and that's weird.

But I really miss him and I really hurt.  It's strangely comforting that Mykolai's grandma died the same day as my grandpa (except in 2007 not 2008).

I don't know what I'm saying. I felt fine all day.  Then I got home from work and felt like a big disappointing mess that my grandpa would have hated and i cried till Katie, Matt, Josh, and Natalie knocked on my door and invited me to hang out with them in the common room.

I am eternally grateful for people who are kind to me when I need them.  Even if they don't know I need them I am eternally grateful.

I'm not a mess.  I know I'm not.  So why do I still feel like one?

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