(no subject)

Jan 20, 2009 06:31

Eve of an exciting day - even if we're 3 hours behind what's happening in DC. I guess that right about now, the Obamas are arriving at the White House for the traditional Coffee before heading to the ceremonies. I wonder what the out-going and in-coming presidents say to each other.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well - won't be able to watch the proceedings unfortunately, but there will a lot of coverage after so am sure will read all about it.

It's 6:35 am and it's dark and misty outside. A real drag, but maybe today I will walk instead of bike to work just for a change and listen to spooky organ music and pretend I'm in the final scene of The Omen. Or something.

I've not had a such a drippy cold for a while, and it's quite dehydrating and debilitating - I bet you didn't need to know the details did you?

On a  completely unrelated subject, I know that bread mould gave us a whole class of antibiotics, but I must say that I hate it when it shows up on the last two pieces of bread I was planning  on having for breakfast today. Not. V. Tasty.

Finally - have so much to read between now and the 28th, and also so much to do - why do I feel this need to be a responsible and productive member of society. Why couldn't I just be filthy rich and romp through the playfields of the world with little regard for anyone?

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