I probably shouldn't ramble about the Twilight series because I haven't even finished reading book one yet (I'm currently 190 pages into it, ch. 9) but I'm going to anyway. I started reading it because everyone else is, which definately counts as lame but I don't really give a shit. Reading Twilight was something to occupy me durring the last three days of school when I had to make up absences so I could graduate, and it will maybe help me in the long run when I'm lurking lj and come across a post or conversation refrencing the book.
So, anyway I'm reading the thing, and because I'm picky about the books that I waste my time reading I've already formed a few opinions of it. For a start, Twilight reads like fanfiction, only with original charactors. It seems to be full of cast charactors that act in very predictable ways and don't really seem to have much of a personality. The main charactors, Bella and Edward, seem to be the only ones with a three dimentional personality, and even that is limited.
There are also parts where the writing seems to be really weak, and Mrs. Meyer has gone into detail about superfluous things, such as when Bella comes home and cooks dinner, or when she gets home from school and takes a shower, or lays out on the lawn reading reading a Jane Austin novel. All that extra, unneeded detail is nothing but padding and it gets in the way of the main story, and it causes me to compare Mrs. Meyer to Anne Rice, who did the same thing, only in a more articulate and sensual manner that made me want to find that aweful woman and bitch slap her for forcing me to read about how acutely Louis remembered the lace on Claudia's dress. I get it, Louis loved Claudia and paid very, very, very close attention to her. And I get it, Bella's life is quite monotinous and boring till she becomes involved with Edward.
There's also the unfortunate possibiliy that Twilight just might be an original Mary Sue. There's the mandatory clash between the two charactors at the begining, then the unexplainable desire the girl has for the boy, which then is followed by the boy saving the girl, and the "surprise" of the boy's unexplainable attraction to the girl after he saves her life once again.
Another thing about Twilight that is bothering me while I read is how stupid Bella seems to be. It's probably just the fact that the mystery of what Edward really is is ruined by the summery on the back of the book, or it's just that the way the book is written that causes me see Bella as a total dumbshit.
The very short author's bio in the back of the book has got to be a missprint, Mrs. Meyer could not have graduated from college with a degree in English Literature and gone on to write a book like Twilight. I refuse to believe it.
Other then those things about the book that bothers me, I seem to like it enough to at least finish it, and in conclution I will give the first nine chapters of Twilight two out of five stars.
P.S. None of my opinions of Twilight are helped by the fact that I just found out that they've made a movie out of it and that the guy that's playing Edward Cullen was Cedric Diggory in the Harry Potter films.
Movie source.