
Oct 02, 2007 00:31


Where: Ireland.

What is it?
An Irish sport which appears to be a hybrid of field
hockey, soccer, football and unremitting,
pants-wetting terror.

The game is played with axe-like sticks called hurleys
or "camáns" and a small, hard ball. Two teams, each
with 15 Irishmen of questionable mental stability
attempt to score goals by smacking the ball as hard as
possible, at head height and at terrifying speeds.

Hurling’s origins are based on some kind of energetic
outdoor activity participated in by ancient Gaels that
most people refer to as ‘warfare.’ When the Irish
began to migrate overseas, they attempted to set up
hurling leagues in their adopted countries, but
everyone else was too frightened and/or mentally
stable to play.

Interesting fact:
Although a well-hit ball can travel at speeds of
almost 100 miles per hour, hurling players wear no
protective gear. Players can choose to wear a helmet,
but many choose not to, figuring if God had wanted men
to wear helmets, he wouldn't have given them those
ball-deflecting skulls.
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