Speculation Sweepstakes for Last Episode of Season Four of House MD
Many, many speculative theories have arisen about what will happen in the season-ending episode of House MD.
daisylily asked me how many I've heard, and it's been... a lot. So, why not have a contest, sweepstakes style?
Losers are required to produce a small creative offering for the winner: write a drabble, sketch a picture, create a macro or icon, or just screencap a favorite moment from the episode.
Winner or winners get all the goodies, plus a banner proclaiming "I Won Wilson's Heart*! *Speculation Sweepstakes". Unless the winner does not want to have won Wilson's heart (looking at you, IHC), in which case they will get an autographed* picture of their favorite House actor/actress *autographed by me.
The 50 speculations below may or may not be based on spoilers. I have not marked which parts are spoilers, so you may cover your ears and LA-LA if you don't want to know ahead of time. However, if seeing something in the episode that was speculated here will bum you out, read no further.
1. House tries to save Amber but is unable; Wilson is accepting but House blames himself.
2. House tries to save Amber but is unable; Wilson wonders if it was retribution, jealousy or just lack of care.
3. Amber dies, and Wilson accuses House of secretly wanting her to die because she was competition for House.
4. Amber dies, and House says something negative about Amber after she's dead, making Wilson angry.
5. House risks his life for Amber, and it comes down to Wilson having to decide between them. Wilson picks House, with Wilson feeling guilty, and House not appreciating what Wilson did and angry that he made that decision.
6. Wilson asks House to risk his life to save Amber's. House says yes and Wilson reasons that he's doing it because he actually does have feelings for Amber and something happened between them.
7. Wilson asks House to risk his life to save Amber's. House says no, and Wilson thinks House doesn't care about him and doesn't care if he suffers should Amber die.
8. Wilson asks House to risk his life to save Amber's, and House is very hurt by the request thinking Wilson feels Amber is more important than House.
9. House asks Cuddy and not Wilson if he should risk his life to save Amber's.
10. House had sex with Amber to prove her unworthiness for Wilson (a la Crandall).
11. House had sex with Amber but wanted to keep it a secret.
12. House made out with Amber but stopped there.
13. House hit on Amber and she refused him.
14. House cares about Amber, has deeper feelings for her. He tells Wilson truthfully that nothing happened, but Wilson does not believe him.
15. Wilson thinks House is in love with Amber and House rebuts this by saying he’s in love with Wilson.
16. Amber told House a secret she was keeping from Wilson.
17. House told Amber a secret he was keeping from Wilson.
18. House was treating Amber for a condition she was hiding from Wilson and asked him to keep quiet about, which he did.
19. Amber is House’s sister and needs some kind of transplant thing that he is the nearest match for but it would be risky for him to undergo the surgery because he's just been in a crash.
20. Wilson's long-lost brother figures into this somehow.
21. During his amnesia period, House found out a secret Amber was hiding: undisclosed STD
22. During his amnesia period, House found out a secret Amber was hiding: Amber cheating on Wilson
23. During his amnesia period, House found out a secret Amber was hiding: Amber about to have or already having had an abortion
24. During his amnesia period, House found out a secret Amber was hiding: Amber having a drinking problem
25. During his amnesia period, House found out a secret Amber was hiding: Amber having originally started dating Wilson to get back at House and only later having fallen for Wilson.
26. During his amnesia period, House found out a secret Amber was hiding: Amber is planning to move away from Princeton.
27. House’s memory of the bus crash is wrong in that Amber does not have a puncture wound in her right thigh.
28. When House had champagne in the bar, he was celebrating Wilson's revelation that he's proposed to Amber.
29. Amber was with House in the bar: forming a peaceful alliance
30. Amber was with House in the bar: discussing why Wilson is the way he is
31. Amber was with House in the bar: House was finally having it out with her for telling the “syphilis scam” secret that he told Wilson
32. Amber was with House in the bar: House caught her having an affair with Thirteen and he was in the bar with Amber discussing it.
33. Amber was with House in the bar: She was telling him Wilson cheated on her.
34. Amber was with House in the bar: She was asking House how Wilson feels about having children.
35. Amber was with House in the bar: She was asking House’s advice about her proposing to Wilson.
36. Amber was with House in the bar: Amber was drunk, and House took her on the bus to take her home.
37. House was not actually drunk before the bus accident, although he may have had a few drinks.
38. Amber is a high priced escort. (She did this in college and enjoys it so still does it.) She takes the bus so her car isn't parked anywhere near her clients’ houses and House knows about this because he sometimes uses the service.
39. House has brain surgery to figure out what symptom Amber displayed. He is not worried about dying to save Amber, but he is worried about losing his brain function.
40. House has brain surgery to figure out what symptom Amber displayed. He loses some brain function/faculty from the surgery.
41. House has brain surgery to figure out what symptom Amber displayed. He loses either or sight or hearing because of the surgery.
42. House has brain surgery to figure out what symptom Amber displayed. He loses some functioning because of the surgery AND Wilson feels doubly guilty, both for asking House to risk his life and for causing House more problems.
43. House has brain surgery to figure out what symptom Amber displayed. He loses some functioning because of the surgery AND House is angry with Wilson because it's ALL HIS FAULT.
44. House has brain surgery to figure out what symptom Amber displayed. But this happens after Amber's already dead, because House has to solve every puzzle. Wilson becomes furious with House for putting himself in so much danger for no reason. Saving Amber would be a worthwhile reason; solving the puzzle would not, in Wilson's opinion.
45. House has brain surgery to figure out what symptom Amber displayed. But this happens after Amber's already dead, and Wilson is angry that he didn’t try it sooner.
46. It turns out that some of what House thought was real in the episode “House’s Head” was actually a hallucination.
47. Someone goes through Amber and Wilson's apartment looking for clues without House’s permission/instruction.
48. Wilson has a mental breakdown due to the stress of knowing he might lose one or both of the two people he loves most.
49. Wilson ends up saying he will be leaving Princeton.
50. Season Four was all a dream/hallucination/drug trip, yo.