Mar 25, 2007 09:17
On wednesday I woke up in so much pain that i called the dentist and scheduled an imediate appointment to get my wisdom teeth looked at.
*caution* gross things like puss below
He refered me to an oral sugion. It deffinately needed to be removed, but it was really much closer to my jaw nerve than it should be.
On friday I went to the oral surgeon who perscribed me pennicilin and vicodine, apparently there was a minor infection in the roots and we need to take care of that before we cut me open. But we scheduled me an appointment to have the surgery next thursday. Sweet.
I go the Vicodine and Pennicilin. But she only gave me 10 Vicodine, one every six hours. Which would be fine except I was in horrible pain, apparently I didn't make that clear enough.
So fast forward to Satuday night/Sunday morning. I have one Vicodine left, and am curled up on the bed sobbing beacause my face hurts so bad, and i'm so swollen I'm having a hard time swallowing and closing my mouth. I'm two am.
Ryan and I decide to go to the emergency room, a decision we'd put off earlier because the emergency dental services at UCSF are closed on the weekends. The waiting room was empty, thank god, and they led me back instantly.
The doctor came in and after poking around my mouth and chin for a minute, looking for n abscess to clear, went and got her supervisor. Apparently instead of forming a pustual which could be easily lanced and drain, my infection had started to pool under my jaw. Fun eh? This explains why bellow my chin was rock hard and swollen (i looked like efing jay leno)
Then the nurse comes in and says "alright hun we're going to be giving you an antibiotic drip. It'll take about 30 minutes okay?"
So she preps me for an IV, which is all very glamorous, and then begins to inject me with something, slowly. "This is a little bit of morphine to get you through, okay?"
Then she starts the antibiotic.
I'd never had morphine before, but i'll describe as, though I was still in pain, I just didn't care.
Anyway, now i'm on an agressive 3 day round of antibiotics. (3 pills ever 6 hours) And a perscription for vicodine that actually means I'll be getting enough pain medicine for the duration of the treatment.
But yes, ryan was amazing, stayed up all night and took the best care you me.