A Secret Kept

Jul 27, 2012 00:33

Summary: Wilson is keeping a secret from House and with Taub and Kutner's help, he attempts to find it out.

Rating: PG13

Pairing: House/Wilson, mentions of Taub/Kutner.

"What aren't you telling me Jimmy?" Grumbled House as he popped a piece of popcorn into his mouth as General Hospital echoed through Wilson's hotel room. A sigh could be heard from the bathroom as Wilson began brushing his teeth. House had asked a simple question, one that deserved an answer, one that James should be able to answer. He couldn't though, for thousands of reason. As he finished up in the bathroom, Wilson walked out into the bedroom to see House sprawled on his bed. He repressed an eye roll as he cautiously sat next to his best friend.

"You staying the night?" Wilson asked, half hopeful.

"Depends." House grunted, glancing at his friend then back at the tv.


"Mmm, if I feel like moving..." House said and Wilson groaned, flopping down and rolling underneath the covers.

"Night Jimmy," House murmured before grabbing al the blankets off of Wilson and heading for the couch.

"House!" House just snickered before drifting into a light slumber.

Morning light fluttered through the half open drapes, awakening Wilson. Moaning softly, eyes half open, he checked the time. 6:05. Sighing, he fell back into bed. He didn't feel like getting up today, hell he never felt like getting up knowing he has to face...these feelings.

"Wilson," came a gruff voice in his ear. Whipping around he came face to face with House.

"Jesus, House why the hell are you up?" Wilson asked, gasping slightly for air.

"Just woke up, thought you could make me some pancakes?" House asked, giving him his infamous puppy dog face. Wilson groaned, but reluctantly agreed.

"Let me shower and get ready for work okay?" House glared at him, his face saying make me food now, get ready later. Wilson just made his way into the bathroom. A half an hour later, a clean and pressed shirt and slacks, perfectly soft and silky hair styled, Wilson appeared in the kitchen.

"Finally, I am now going to shower and you will make me food." House ordered and sauntered towards the bathroom, a fresh towel in his hand. Wilson rolled his eyes and began preparing his infamous pancakes. Twenty minutes passed and the two had eaten and cleaned up.

"I'll drive," Wilson said and headed outside.

"Of course you will," House said rolling his eyes and trailing behind Wilson.

House hadn't seen Wilson all day, the team had no cases and he was bored out of his mind. He watched his team, well Taub and Kutner mess around with pointless things. House suddenly got an idea.

"Tiny, and Chocolate Rain come here." House called and watched the two rise to meet him.

"Do you two want to make some money?" House asked and watched the two look at each other.

"House, we aren't going to participate in a gay porno," Taub said and stepped closer to his lover.

"Still going to keep asking, but that's not why I called you in here. You guys want to make fifty dollars each?" Kutner shrugged and looked over at Taub.


It was a little past 8 when Wilson heard a knock on his hotel room door. Going over to open it, he was surprised to see Taub and House.

"House, Chris, what do I owe the pleasure of having you two grace my presence?" Wilson asked somewhat sarcastically.

"Can I not visit my best friend?" House said and pushed his way in, allowing him and Taub in.

"That doesn't explain why Chris is with you..." Wilson pointed out and Taub smiled softly at Wilson.

"Alright, fine, we just came from a strip club and I needed to see you." House murmured and before Wilson could say anything, Wilson's hotel room phone began ringing.

"Yes?" House said answering the phone. A few minutes of talking to Kutner, or so House said, before setting the phone back on its stand and pressing speaker on it.

"I have a patient to attend, come on Tiny."

"I uhm need to talk to Wilson," Taub said and it got him some odd looks from both House and Wilson.

"Whatever, I'll be down in the car, hurry up." House grumbled and walked out the door.
Wilson looked over at Taub and gave him a small smile.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"No thanks, uhm so, are you okay?" Taub asks stepping closer to Wilson.

"I have been better," Wilson admits shyly.

"What's been bothering you, is it House?"

"What have they talked about so far?" House asks, slamming the car door and settling in next to Kutner.

"Nothin much, just missed Chris asking if something is wrong and if it was you."

( The italicized words are Wilson and Taub)

"N- no why would you ask anything like that Chris?"

"You just seem so intrigued by him the past couple months. Like I was before I told Lawrence I was utterly head over heels for him." House looked over at Kutner and saw how flushed he'd became.

"W- what are you insinuating Chris?"

"Nothin, just worried about you. Of you don't wanna talk now, you have my number. There was shuffling.

"Chris, wait." By now you could barely hear Wilson.

"There is something I've been hiding from House. It's bad. If he ever found out and didn't reciprocate them it would completely ruin our friendship." House's heart was beating wildly in his chest now. What was Wilson going to tell Tiny?

"Wilson, what is it?

"I think I m- might be in love with House. House froze. He couldn't have heard him right, not his best friend.

"You what?"

"I'm in love with House." Kutner looked over at House.

"You got your secret, one he kept for a while." House blinked, it couldn't be. Jimmy couldn't love him. He is a manipulative, rule breaking, Vicodin popping, sarcastic ass. He couldn't love him.

"Are you sure?"

"No, but I am willing to risk it."


"You should go, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Good night Wilson." That was it. That was Wilson's secret. He was in love with his best friend.

"That changes things then doesn't it?" House asked to nobody in particular.

Authors Notes: Comments are loved.(:

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