Fic: Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Oct 03, 2011 17:58

Author: withlightning
Pairing: House/Wilson
Word count: 3380
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Porn. House makes his daily phone call to Wilson and there is lots of talking. Also fingers and dirty images are involved -- as well as coming.
A/N: So, yes. This was supposed to be pure phone sex. Somehow that turned out to be a pornless snarky porn fic. And in the end, well, there's some porn and lots of talking. I'm not going to apologize. Also, this idea came to me as I watched 6.09 - "Wilson", and then thought about all the promo pictures of season 8 (prison prison prison) and I just had to write this. I haven't seen anything after 6.09, so this is kind of canon AU, I suppose. (This looks like to be part one of a series -- because the ideas, they won't leave me alone!)

Great, great thanks goes to katkaminion for enabling me in Twitter and to bottledminx for betaing and being an amazing support and a cheerleader and I just love you, dude - and also to ilovetakahana, even if I'm not completely sure of her role in this project. All the remaining mistakes are mine.

(“So, about that tie. I’m not wearing it anymore.”)
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