Oct 13, 2009 17:07
Hey guys! It’s FINALLY time to for you to share your wonderful new Wilson fics with the world. Before we get to the specifics, we’d like to thank you all once again. There really would be no Wilson Fest without your support and enthusiasm.
Once you’ve post your fic, it will be added to the master fic list which will be posted the day that Wilson Fest is locked. Now, to keep track of who we have added to the list, we will comment to your post here. And what will we be commenting with? A lovely thank you gift of course! So, look for that. :) So please, DON'T lock your comments. We need to be able to comment so that we can keep track of who has and hasn't been added to the master list.
Now, since we know that you’re all dying to post your wonderful fics, let’s get to the specifics. When posting your fic, PLEASE use the form below.
If you’ve decided to house your fic here instead of linking to another lj, please make sure to put it behind a cut. Thank you.
Please make sure to tag your entry "round 3 fic".
* Posting will be open until October 19, 2009 unless you’ve been given an extension.
wilson_fest mod post,
round 3