I'm at the computer again. I don't know how to get my paper done. The topic is to explain my world and how it has shaped my aspirations, dreams, goals what have you. Well, i was thinking about it, and it turns out im pretty selfish. Pretty and selfish. I want to be successful and with a good career and all, because i want all that i never could have. But is there a crime in that? To want what you can't have? No, i don't see how, yet im gonna be labeled selfish? By ppl who barely know me...makes little to none sense. Upon further introspection i found that i want to be in the mobile field that is science, .... and that sentence is so going in my paper... because its new and inventive and presses my creativity buttons. I don't want the monotonous jobs that my parents have.
I was tlaking to them about this and they said that they wanted me to be more successful than they are. But, then that would equate success with money. So then i started thinking about what i defined as success, and although the rest of the world may call success money and fame, i call it being happy and content. My parents, though disliking their jobs, dont hate them, and are more than happy with the family that they have. In my eyes there as successful as the next nobel prize winner. I guess i just wnat to be happy. But will going to MIT make me happy? Will i go to MIT? probably not. I dont think i want to go so much for the truckloads of all night study sessions ahead for me, as much as for the name it makes for me. And that in itself is selfish. Im sure i'd be more than happy to go to UT @ austin, but it'd not be as prestigious. Ugh, this is getting less of a purpose than it initially had. So in conclusion, i seriously have to reassess my goals, cause if its for fame and fortune, that wont make me happy.