Cue Zelda Music (yeah, its not the right one for this type thing, so just shut up)
music from
Ganon's Tower This is one of the legends of which the people speak...
In fifth grade english class with Mrs. Condon, we were learning about adjectives and their uses. She told several students to bring in objects for the next day, so that we could practice describing them using adjectives.
Morning came, and the students brought in the objects. One was a Beanie Baby. My friend Max and I had run out of real adjectives, so we made up some new ones, one of them being "squishish." Then, in unison, Max and I both said "Beanish!"
Beanish soon became a club, in which Nish-boy was excluded because we didn't think he was Beanish-worthy. One document written (and spoken with WordPad) said something about Nish-boy's smile being cheesy.
Soon after, Beanish became a government fully equipped with an army, and executive branch, and a judicial branch. I became the first Beanish president, with Max as my vice. The next term, Max became president while Alex was vice. The magazine was never publicly released, as a Beanish resistance was formed by a group of the Enemy, led by Laura. Secret plans for the Beanish army were too...secret to be let into the hands of the Enemy. In fact, two battles were fought on neutral territory over possession of the plans. Those plans, as well as the secret Beanish names of all involved in the organization, have not yet been revealed, and shall not be publicized until May 31st of this year, A.D. 2004.
Beanish dissolved after 5th grade. The goverment was not only unstable, but those who participated in it were too few and too uninterested after the first two terms.
It was only after the government began to weaken when a definition was given to the word "Beanish." To this day, the definition of "beanish" is "adj.-not afraid to be different; unique and proud of it."
Beanish still has active members, but the names of those members will remain undisclosed until May 31, 2004.