Oct 19, 2010 21:39
I have been crazy busy with the minutiae of daily life. Let's see, since March I have finished one semester and started another. Ooooh, my rough draft for my senior paper was due today. That was so many kinds of sucky it's not even a little funny. I also met with my adviser to set up classes for next semester...I only need four (or five depending on my minor) classes people! Now I have to decide which would be better while trying to apply for grad. school, still in school so stretch the classes, or already graduated. What else? Let's see, I have a cute professor so that is kinda nice. My online classes, especially biology, are kicking my butt.
Got a nifty new icon, so that is another reason to post. Oh, one other bit, I have been super awesome about abstaining from buying shoes. \o/ Yay me!! Also, in May I adopted a kitty from the Humane Society. Poor little thing (wasn't really little, about three months old) was on the wall for those about to be put to sleep. She is one odd and fascinating creature. She is my furry baby and is nagging at me to play with her as I type this!
Well, I hope to be better about posting but that really isn't likely. Oh well.