I used to a long time ago. Before I was Spike and even after I was. When I was a young boy, mum would tell me that there was a special princess just for me and all that yadda that most mums tell little rugrats. Growin’ up, I felt like I was nothin’, always goin’ on my own, findin’ my own space and writin’ things down, makin’ it into a story or writin’ those poems that the lot of you loved to hate. Always thought I’d find that burnin’ passion that I read about in most stories from a princess that mum always told me that I’d find. I did find her, in fact and she took me with her, changed me into a monster, but I didn’t much care. Just wanted to be wanted like everyone does, I suspect.
Now that she’s come and gone, I don’t much think of her anymore. Now that Buffy’s here, I don’t much think of anyone to be honest, but Dru is the farthest from my mind. Do I believe that Buffy ‘an I will experience a happily ever after?
Soddin’ hell no. There’s no way for that for us. I’m bound to bugger it all up now aren’t I?
In general for me, I used to believe in happily ever after’s, only I come to realize, there really isn’t such a thing. Just make it good while it lasts because nothin’ lasts forever.