I'm managing to hand in there. I've spent much of the past month, housebound, trying to recover. But, I've got the all-clear from the good doctor and am trying to cram in as much summer as possible. I'm still unemployed but am not too fussed. There's been some issues with my split from R but things seem to be under control. I"ve started a comm for my original fic and it's strangely satisfying. Hmmm, I think that's it - IL's life in a nutshell. Or at least all of IL's life that's fit to print here. ;) /ramble.
How are YOU doing?
I'm managing to hand in there. I've spent much of the past month, housebound, trying to recover. But, I've got the all-clear from the good doctor and am trying to cram in as much summer as possible. I'm still unemployed but am not too fussed. There's been some issues with my split from R but things seem to be under control. I"ve started a comm for my original fic and it's strangely satisfying. Hmmm, I think that's it - IL's life in a nutshell. Or at least all of IL's life that's fit to print here. ;) /ramble.
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