I'm still catching up. Ethan and I are over our colds--thank goodness--though we still sneeze all over each other from time to time.
Thank you all for your wonderful comments on
Subtleties and Variations This fic came out of a disagreement hubby and I had about the history of V-day. So, I looked it up, and, voila, lots-o-H/D banter was born.
Some recs:
shaggirl wrote
Dirty, NC-17, Draco/Squid, Harry.
emmagrant01 wrote
Just Around the Corner, PG-13, AU for
untitled, WIP Harry/Neville fic which I now need to start reading.
stellabelle wrote
Terminus, Harry/Draco, NC-17.
nimerha drew
a breath-taking Harry.
And I have one non-fandom art rec...
This is the first "person-like-figure" he has EVER drawn that I've seen.
I love that I have no torso, that my fingers are really long, and that I look quite happy about it.
I am completely blown-away. And so very proud of him.
*happy mother sigh*
I hope y'all are having a lovely day.