so far so good, great week

Aug 29, 2008 10:29

First off, Band Practice was amazing. B4B is DONE. The Medley, 1/4 done, more then I anticipated. We'll actually be ready for the show!

As for bander, Tons of new people sending us emails, coming to our office, wanting to write for us or run for editor. They don't know what editor means but they want it. I'm sad our first issue is 8 pages and that elections will only be the second meeting, but it makes sense that way.

There are 3 daves in bander.
Funny dave anderson
Primo dave leroux
FYSU dave i dont know his last name, well i do, but don't remember.

Adam chan is here to, so is little hachey, and Danielle (Dani) who is daves friend, she's cool, yet very strange and hostile.

class is blah for everyone because teachers n shit keeps switching around
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