
Aug 11, 2008 21:34

A saga directed at no one and everyone. Take from it what you will, but it is all true. Focus on what you want, but don't say nothing was said.

The Magic of a Rob Party

At Yavin IV (aka Chez Rob n Nick), they were so broke there was no tv, no videogames, nothing. Just booze and people. Computers yeh, but they were good for lan parties and that's it.

When we had real parties, people drank, talked about everything, told stories, did ridiculous regrettable shit, and then the next day we had more stories and lots of laughs. Some people would drink a lot and barf, (more stories), some people would just get the right amount of booze to be silly and not care about judgement. Occasionally people would drift off from the others of the party and do their own thing, fuck 'em, they're loaners, or they just have to talk about something personal. wtv, the reason, in the end it was always fun.


DS started appearing in bander. Ok another game system, but wtv. Then suddenly people would be 9 in a room, 7 on DS and not saying a word, and 2 being confused and awkward. The excuse " it's ok if we play multiplayer games" was made, but everyone knows (and we all know it, even if we deny it) that it is a shitty bullshit excuse. If 8 are gaming together, person 9 is fucked.

I played the DS, I am not gonna lie about it, but if I saw someone in the room feeling neglected, I stopped and talked with them. It's was people fucking do. Don't be a loner in a crowd plugged in. Who cares if oyu have to level up or what ever bullshit. What do you gain at the end of the day, a small ounce of pride. You lose more respect from people.

Slowly, the DS showed up at parties, some hid it and did the normal thing, but once someone pulled it out, the others did too, and the party immediately died. WHY THE FUCK YOU WOULD YOU DO THAT WHEN YOU CAN DO IT AT HOME, THAT'S NOT WHY YOU WERE INVITED OVER FOR A PARTY YOU GOD DAMN DEMENTED FUCK. It's like people got lazy and instead of trying to have a good time, they mildly amused themselves with a gizmo because it gave them something without them having to get up. Pricks.

They got turned off, but still, the lazyness stayed and the constant feel that they wanted to leave to go sit and game was there. No more crashing, heavy drinking, climbing walls, jokes, nothing.


This came before the DS I believe, but it was still there. The last Savior. Kings would bring the people together, where they would drink, embarrass each other, and have a whole truck load of fun. Never have i ever, waterfall, the 7 game, the ACE.

Then people started just not playing. DS instead. Some couldn't because of driving, fair enough. but on the side lines they could be huge assholes and tilt the game anyway. That made it fun.

No other drinking games were inspired from kings, sadly. It is still played, but after 1 round, where people are barely tipsy, they stop.

It's like the point of the game was missed.


I'm not saying getting drunk was always the answer. It is important to understand that. But it added to it. Hesitation disappeared when it happened. I'm saying when we are all together, someone put on some music, and that's all the electronics that should be used. Video games? Only if everyone is equally good, it's 4 players, on a tv, and a good rotation system is in place. Other wise, someone good against someone bad, bad person doesn't wanna play anymore. Less then 4 players, major exclusion. On a tv, everyone can watch. Good rotation, everyone gets a turn. So far, smash bros with time limit matches seems like the best option. Maybe the only option. Movies, sure if it's a comedy. Then we all get shtis and giggles, with other movies it's iffy cuz not everyone likes it. Action= loud, Romance=women, Horror=selective audiance, drama=NO, comedy...depends on the type of humor, but like we saw with the starwars robot chicken, there are some where everyone laughs and no one misses out. And you can talk over it without missing plot.


Rob Moves Out

This effectively ended good parties. You can argue, but seriously, either by causation or coincidence, the good parties eneded there. Not all good parties were there (like the time nick thought a lightsaber was real), but it's where many happened. Now he lives far, closer to where he can go to school (which makes sense), but its out of peoples reach, and also, he wants to be serious with shit so he can't host anymore. Fair enough.

But what about us?

Sabby party was fun while in the pool, then died. why? Videogames.
My party was fun while in the pool, then died. could be movies, could be games, I don't know but it was not the same.
Nibbles, sorry but as far as i'm concerned, the only time it picked up was when dustin made adam feel so uncomfortable he left.

Point the finger, blame who you want. Blame me, blame him, blame her. In the end, the blaming won't solve anything, just make you feel a bit secure in yourself while you tell yourself it wasn't you.

That's what I mean by shit got boring. We do hanging out shit at parties, not party stuff.
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