Nov 08, 2004 10:34
i'm so bored right now. i'm waiting for mary to help me with my chemlab because i'm retarded and have ADD and i was way too lazy to work on it last night. and, of course, she's taking forever and I NEED TO DO THIS because its due today and i don't have it done! and she's taking waaaaaaaaaaay too long.
i'm in a really bad mood right now because of this stupid danbury nutcracker! i should seriously just quit! its killing me to go to these randomly long rehearsals just because arthur frederick (who by the way looks like a homeless man) needs to change the whole fucking 6minute dance all because he's a horrible choreographer in the first place! i work my ass off everytime i'm there and at the end of the rehearsal eh just goes "good job jenn" and thats it. if i'm doing such a spectacular job that he complements me every three seconds why doesnt he give me another part?! this is sooo stupid.