Fight with Constantine

Sep 04, 2005 02:39

Definitely rated R. Continued from here.

Mephisto: *grunts* As I said before, I do not wish to exchange blows with you.
Constantine: You started it, demon. I'll repeat myself, touch Balthazar and die.
Mephisto: You must excuse my incredulity.
Constantine: *sneers a bit painfully* Excused.
Mephisto: *coolly* Balthazar is Lucifer's responsibility and, for the moment, not mine. I do not have the authority to punish him-- yet. That shall change if I have my way. As for -you-...
Constantine: Are you going to run to daddy now because I broke your toy? Pathetic.
Mephisto: *cold smile* He is, as he has reminded me, not my toy.
Constantine: Neither am I.
Mephisto: You are incorrect.
Constantine: In Hell, yes, I've indebted myself to you. But I'm not dead.
Mephisto: Your death will come sooner than you expect.
Constantine: I've heard that entirely too many times to be bothered by it.
Mephisto: I am not threatening you, simply stating a fact.
Constantine: So were they.
Mephisto: A mortal life passes quickly. How many years do you suppose you have left? At the most you will live eighty or so in total. Once those pass you will be entirely at my disposal. It is a short interim.
Constantine: And I plan on spending it with the man I love.
Mephisto: *snorts* You mortals are so trite.
Constantine: *mocking bow* I try.
Mephisto: *covers his right hand with his left, pensively* *arches an eyebrow and regards John*
Constantine: *regards Meph right back*
Mephisto: *would, in all honesty, look rather boring were it not for the air of muted cruelty about him* *slight smile* Are you planning what to do to me?
Constantine: I won't touch you unless you do something to him. Maybe I'm going soft, but I don't feel like starting a fight unless I have to.
Mephisto: *wraps his right hand, which is covered in a mild acid, around John's throat* Good.
Constantine: *chokes and tries to pull Meph's hand away before hauling off and punching him in the nose*
Mephisto: *hisses and grabs John's hand in his left* *digs in his nails and rips the skin over the knuckles, deeply*
Constantine: *cries out in pain and resorts to kicking Meph hard in the knee*
Mephisto: *squeezes a little harder*
Constantine: *pulls his leg up and kicks Meph in the stomach*
Mephisto: *falls back with the kick* *and -glares-*
Constantine: *leans over, hands on his knees, gasping for breath*
Mephisto: *doesn't move from where he is, but glares, deciding what to do next*
Constantine: *fixes Mephisto with a preditory look*
Mephisto: *even, emotionless look back*
Constantine: *straightens himself up, cracking his back* How long do you want to keep this up, demon?
Mephisto: I imagine it will continue for some time.
Constantine: I warn you, I fight dirty.
Mephisto: Do you think I do not?
Constantine: I know you do.
Mephisto: *tents his fingers* I warn you that you are not evenly matched.
Constantine: Well don't feel too bad about it. Not everyone is John Constantine.
Mephisto: *smirks* Pride always leads to a fall, mortal. Believe that.
Constantine: Whatever you say.
Mephisto: *nods* Mark that. *leaps to his and aims a kick at John's head*
Constantine: *grabs Mephisto's foot and twists, breaking the ankle*
Mephisto: *hisses and half-lands, one foot on the ground, the broken one still in John's hands*
Constantine: *scowls and throws Mephisto's leg down*
Mephisto: *feels the bone snap out of place more, but body is disposable* *punches John in the throat*
Constantine: *stumble backwards, gasping for breath*
Mephisto: *smiles and reaches down to twist his ankle as far back into place as he can at the moment*
Constantine: *hears the ankle pop back into place and winces*
Mephisto: *is in pain, but does not particularly care providing he can still fight* *jumps forward quick as a cat and knocks both John's feet out from beneath him*
Constantine: *falls to the ground hard, cursing*
Mephisto: *places his injured foot on John's neck, but does not press down yet* Had enough, mortal?
Constantine: *grabs Mephisto's leg and jerks it out from underneath him*
Mephisto: *falls onto one knee, hisses, and reaches out to dig his fingers into the underside of John's chin*
Constantine: *hits Mephisto in the nose, pressing up with his palm*
Mephisto: *winces, head jerked back, and gnashes his teeth at the hand*
Constantine: *pulls his hand out of the way and punches him hard under the chin*
Mephisto: *scoots back, taking a bit of John's chin with him*
Constantine: *hisses* Fuck! *scrabbles away, holding his bleeding chin*
Mephisto: *throws the tiny bit of flesh to the floor and hisses, animalistic*
Constantine: *grimaces and looks away*
Mephisto: *voice raspier and thinner than it usually is* I want more than that.
Constantine: What do you want, demon?
Mephisto: Blood and pain and your broken, mangled corpse.
Constantine: The first two you've got. The last one you'll never have.
Mephisto: *growls* More, then.
Constantine: Fuck off, you bleeding wanker.
Mephisto: *hisses and crouches like an animal about to spring*
Constantine: *eyes him warily, ready to move whenever he does*
Mephisto: *glares at him, eyes, as the saying goes, filled with hellfire* *pulls a knife and slashes wide at John's face*
Constantine: *curses himself for not thinking of weapons from the first* *grabs his everpresent vial of holy water, pulls the cork out, and dashes it in Mephisto's face*
Mephisto: *hisses in pain, flesh searing off, and actually ignites his own face in an attempt to get the majority of the holy water off* *throws the knife in John's direction*
Constantine: *dodges the knife and struggles to stand*
Mephisto: *wipes his face with his hand-- not pretty any more, if he ever was* *growls low in his throat*
Constantine: *manages a hoarse laugh*
Mephisto: *waves an arm wide and splashes John with a clear, strong-smelling but apparently harmless liquid*
Constantine: ... your cologne?
Mephisto: *makes everywhere the liquid splash him ignite*
Constantine: *screams in pain and drops to the floor, rolling around and trying to put the fire out*
Mephisto: *manages a small smile and demonmods him bonded*
Constantine: *growls in frusteration*
Mephisto: *lowers the fire from flames to just a slow singe* I might get the third.
Constantine: Fuck. You.
Mephisto: That is all you can think of to say to me?
Constantine: ... I like what you've done with your hair?
Mephisto: *pulls himself up and kicks him in the head*
Constantine: *swears loudly and squeezes his eyes shut*
Mephisto: *voice rattling and gravelly, completely unrecognizable as a human one* What are you looking away from?
Constantine: Your ugly fucking face.
Mephisto: *true forms* Look again.
Constantine: (what does he look like in true form?)
Mephisto: [I'm not sure, exactly, but I think it's ragged and bony and there's something very spiderlike about it. I don't really want to think of it. He's one of the most Fallen angels, so -extremely- twisted.]
Constantine: *looks up, blinking away blood* An improvement.
Mephisto: *returns to his human form, taking care to repair the face and the broken ankle as he does, but leaves his wings out, though, just because he still has them* *demonmods the bonds away* Stand.
Constantine: *stands a bit shakily*
Mephisto: *backhands him again, this time hard enough to at least make him stumble*
Constantine: *falters, but remains standing*
Mephisto: *crosses behind him and hisses quietly, raking his nails over the back of his neck*
Constantine: *shudders, thinking of Balthazar*
Mephisto: *notices the shudder* *grabs a handful of his hair and twists his head, forcing him to turn with it or risk a snapped neck*
Constantine: *turns with it then*
Mephisto: Why are you not fighting?
Mephisto: *one part curious, one part annoyed*
Constantine: I want to go back home. I want to wash my face and patch myself up as best as I can. Then I want to crawl back in bed, curl up in Balthazar's arms, and fall asleep.
Constantine: *this is the sound of John Constantine breaking*
Mephisto: *jerks John's head so that he's facing him and runs a finger down each of the individual scratch marks in his face, cauterising them as he does*
Constantine: *inhales sharply* Thanks for that.
Mephisto: They shall stay, now. *and sears the wound on the chin, holding his hand there far longer than he needs to to stop it bleeding*
Constantine: *notices the lingering hand* Are you going to kiss me and make it better?
Mephisto: *cruel smile* Should I?
Constantine: Do what you like. I'm beyond caring.
Mephisto: *kisses him, then*
Constantine: *kisses back, just to fuck with his head*
Mephisto: *in that case, kisses harder*
Constantine: *bites Mephisto's lip and pulls him closer*
Constantine: *pushes Mephisto away harshly, but doesn't release his lip, resulting in a bleeding and possibly torn lip for Mephisto*
Mephisto: *torn! still, in that case, actually bites -through- John's upper lip*
Constantine: Fuck! *spits out a gob of blood*
Mephisto: The idea holds a certain appeal.
Constantine: No.
Mephisto: I thought you did not care what I did to you.
Constantine: Gotta draw a line somewhere.
Mephisto: There is always Hell.
Constantine: Yeah, you get me all to yourself for a whole eternity.
Mephisto: Think on that when you are wrapped in Balthazar's arms tonight.
Constantine: Will do.
Mephisto: *nasty smile, made nastier by all the blood dripping down his chin*
Constantine: Gee, Mephistopheles, never knew you felt that way about me.
Mephisto: Hardly.
Constantine: All this talking about fucking, that sweet little kiss you just gave me? I beg to differ.
Mephisto: I could do it, and why should I not?
Constantine: Because I'm going home now.
Mephisto: Then go.
Mephisto: Give Balthazar my regards. *folds his wings*
Constantine: *growls and flies at him, fists swinging* YOU BASTARD!
Mephisto: *laughs. actually, for the first time since who knows when, laughs*
Constantine: *spare vial of holy water is out, unstopped, and poured over Mephisto's wings*
Mephisto: *howls and ignites himself completely to get rid of it*
Constantine: *spits on Mephisto and storms out*
*** Constantine has left channel #demonfight
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