NEW! "Blind Faith - Part Three" (Nuke/ATWT/Angels Lie 'verse)

Jun 04, 2012 11:17

Title: Blind Faith - Part Three

What It Is: Oneshot/"Angels Lie" 'verse

Rating: R for language, content

Prompt: Still another sequel to “Angels Lie”!

Disclaimer: Don’t own ‘em. Don’t make no money.


When last we left our heroes, the Colonel escaped, Turo got shot, Reid broke Casey’s arm, and Noah disappeared…again.


Blind Faith - Part Three

Chris paces the floor of the small conference room Jack has commandeered.

“I will take away your license,” Chris says, his voice growing louder with every sentence. “I testify against you. I will ask the judge for the stiffest sentence he can possibly hand down. When and if you ever get out of prison, I will dog your every step. If I have anything to say about it, you will never practice medicine again in your entire life.”

He stops, leaning over the table where Reid is sitting. “Do you understand me?” he hisses. “I will ruin you.”

“Chris,” Jack says patiently. “Settle down.”

“Settle down?” Chris turns on him, incredulous. “Settle down? Do you understand what this man has done?” He points at Reid. “He’s broken every single hospital policy, not to mention the entire code of medical ethics-"

“That’s the part that really bothers you, right?” Reid sneers. “Breaking hospital policy?”

Chris ignores him, ticking off the remaining items on his fingers. “Dr. Oliver lied, he falsified medical records, he stole drugs and assaulted two of your men-"

“Speaking of which..." Jack begins.

“They’re fine.” Chris waves his hand impatiently. “I checked them out myself. They’ve both got a hell of a headache, but they’ll live. Fortunately for you,” he adds, glaring at Reid.

“Are you finished?” Reid asks, his face impassive.

“Not half!” Chris snaps. “You also helped two dangerous felons escape, got some poor Good Samaritan shot, broke my nephew’s arm-"

“And bit my cousin in the face,” Jack concludes. “We know, Dr. Hughes. We were all there. How’s Casey?” he asks before Chris can resume his tirade.

Chris sighs and runs his hand over his face. “Still in surgery, but he’ll pull through. He’s looking at two pins in his arm and at least six months of rehab.”

“And Noah’s friend?”

“It was close,” Chris admits. “The bullet nicked a major blood vessel. Fortunately, Dr. Oliver stabilized him until we could get him in surgery. Those two minutes were critical.”

Chris stops abruptly and puts his head in his hands. He’s changed out of his surgical scrubs, but there’s still blood on the toes of his sneakers. Now that the adrenaline is wearing off, he looks exhausted.

“Dr. Hughes,” Jack suggests, “why don’t you sit down? Have some water.”

Chris glares at him, but slumps in a chair and accepts the plastic cup Jack pushes across the table toward him. He drinks it dry, crushes the cup with trembling fingers, and tosses it in the small trashcan. He takes a deep breath and turns back to Reid.

“I’ll make sure it’s in my statement that you saved the kid’s life.”

“Gee, thanks,” Reid snarls.

Chris’ eyes widen. “What the hell is wrong with you?” he bellows, standing again. “Do you understand what you’ve done?”

Reid sets his jaw stubbornly. “Yes.”

“Do you?” Chris leans closer. Jack feels they’ve both forgotten he’s in the room. “Do you really?”

Reid doesn’t answer.

Chris lowers his voice. “You were there, Reid. You saw what that man did to Noah. And you let him go free?”

“Yes.” Reid leans forward abruptly. “Because he threatened to do the same to Luke if I didn’t help him.” He glances at Jack. “I can’t guarantee he still won’t go after him. We had a deal, but I don’t know if he’ll honor it.”

“Really?” Jack asks. “You mean Colonel Crazy isn’t a man of his word? Color me shocked.”

Reid flushes in anger. “Just protect Luke, is all I’m saying.”

“Don’t tell me how to do my fucking job,” Jack says mildly.

“Someone needs to.” Reid looks away, only to be confronted by Chris, who stands staring down at him, arms crossed. “If you’ve got something to say, Dr. Hughes, I’m all ears.”

“You’ve ruined everything,” Chris says flatly. “You’ve destroyed your reputation, your career, your life’s work, everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve. You’ve lost any good you might have done in this hospital, any relationship...”

Chris breaks off, breathing hard, then continues. “You’ve destroyed your life, Reid, and for what?” His voice deepens in disgust. “Some kid half your age who doesn’t even love you. You threw away your entire life to be somebody’s fucking rebound.”

Reid pushes back his chair. “We’re done here.”

“This is my interrogation,” Jack says mildly. “Only I get to say ‘We’re done here.’”

Reid looks furious. “I’ve made my statement, Detective Snyder,” he snaps. “Now I’d like to see my attorney.”

“She’s on her way. The uniforms will let us know when she’s arrived.”

Reid’s eyes narrow. “So you’re going to just sit there and watch while this man harasses me?”

“Pretty much,” Jack admits.

“Typical.” Reid’s tone is withering. “I’d expect no less from Oakdale’s finest.”

“Of course, if you prefer, I could always hand you over to the state.” Jack leans back in his chair. “Technically, this hospital is my jurisdiction, which is why you’re still in my custody. But, also technically, Colonel Mayer is their case, so they take precedence. And frankly, Dr. Oliver, right now? I don’t think they give a shit that your attorney isn’t present during questioning.”

“I’ve made my statement,” Reid says again. “I’ve got nothing else to say, either to you or to anyone.”

“I know that,” Jack says. “And I’ve shared your statement with them. I just think they might like to hear you repeat said statement...slowly. And preferably somewhere quiet. Perhaps the boiler room in the basement, the one you locked Luke in.”

He leans forward again. “After all, the only reason you’re still at this hospital instead of down at the station was so you could assist Dr. Hughes in surgery and be available while his patient recovers. Once they’re ready to transfer you, who knows what detour they might take?”

“Fine, I get it.” Reid holds up his handcuffed hands. “I prefer not to have my fingers broken today, if it’s all the same to you.”

“Why not?” Chris asks bitterly. “You’ll never perform surgery again, so what difference does it make?”

Reid flinches. For a second, he looks completely miserable.

“I understand how the Colonel works, Dr. Oliver,” Jack says softly. “I understand that he threatened to harm Luke if you didn’t help him. But don’t you understand that Luke is in greater danger with the Colonel on the loose?”

Reid shakes his head. “Even in jail, he could get to Luke,” he says bleakly. “He told me so.”

Jack sighs, suddenly feeling bone-weary. There’s a tap on the door, and one of the uniformed officers enters. He scowls at Reid like he’d like to get in line for the finger-breaking.

“The dirtbag’s lawyer is here.”

“Fine.” Jack stands. “Bring her in. Dr. Hughes,” he adds gently as Chris continues to stare at Reid.

Chris clears his throat, then reluctantly leaves the room. Jack pauses, looking down at Reid.

“One last thing, Dr. Oliver,” he says quietly. “If anyone else in my family or my town gets hurt because of what you’ve done, you won’t even see me coming.” He leaves the room.

“Hey, Bonnie,” he says as the attorney approaches.

“Detective Snyder.” Her tone is professional but her smile is warm, as always.

Jack courteously holds the door open for her. “You’ve got about twenty minutes. Then they’ll be taking him to lock-up.”

She stops. “I’ll accompany my client-"

“Of course you will. Just giving you the timeline. Good luck with this one,” he adds

“Thank you, Detective Snyder.” Bonnie sails by and sets her briefcase on the table, where Reid is slumped with his head in his hands. Jack closes the door and nods at the uniform, who resumes his post, still scowling.

Jack walks down the corridor toward the waiting area, a subdued Chris at his heels. It’s dark outside. Six hours have passed since the shooting, and the hospital is quiet. Well, relatively quiet for a place that’s teeming with cops.

As Jack enters the waiting area, a figure detaches from the shadows and hurls itself at him. Fortunately, Jack is ready and wrestles him back.

“For the last time, Luke, you can’t see Dr. Oliver right now. I’m sorry, but-"

“It’s not that.” Luke’s face is pale and drawn, his tone frantic. “It’s Noah. I can’t find him. He’s not in his room, and nobody will tell me where he is.”

Jack hesitates. This isn’t going to be easy. He puts a hand on his cousin’s shoulder. “I’m sorry to have to tell you this, Luke, but Noah’s gone.”

Luke blinks. His lower lip is still bruised and swollen, clearly showing Reid’s teeth marks. “Gone...where?”

Jack takes a deep breath. “Noah’s been taken into protective custody.”


Luke stares at him. “What?”

“Wait, what?” Chris echoes.

“He’s been taken into protective custody,” Jack repeats. “It’s for his own safety,” he adds.

“I don’t understand,” Luke frowns, suddenly looking very young. “Do you mean some kind of...witness protection thing?”

“Exactly,” Jack says.

Chris interrupts. “And you authorized this?”


“Who, then? The state? The feds?”

“Wait, the FBI is involved?” Luke asks.

Jack holds up both hands to slow their questions. “This is a complicated case, and a big one. Everyone wants a piece of the Colonel. Whoever prosecutes him gets the feather in their cap. But he’s committed crimes in multiple jurisdictions. Local, county, state, you name it. The Feds are going over the case files right now. Technically, kidnappings are theirs by right. And if they can prove Colonel Mayer took Noah over state lines - if that boat so much as drifted into the Iowa side of the river - they can add those charges as well. But the state still wants him for killing two of their corrections officers during his escape. They’re not giving up this case without a fight.”

“But none of this matters!” Luke bursts out in frustration. “The Colonel escaped again, so what difference does it make whose case it is?”

“Which is why Noah needs to be protected,” Jack says firmly. “The last thing Colonel Mayer said to Dr. Oliver was that he’d be back for Noah.”

“Jesus.” Luke closes his eyes.

“As long as the Colonel’s at large, Noah is safer in custody.”

Luke opens his eyes again, glaring. “Are they going to be able to protect Noah from himself? If he tries to go after his father again...”

“They won’t let him.”

“But they think Noah helped his father escape the first time, for Christ’s sake,” Luke argues. “They call it protective custody, but how do we know they’re not just going to send him to jail?”

“I spoke to the state about that, and the charges are off the table.” Jack smiles wryly. “Given that their agents were in the same room with Noah when the second escape happened, they know for a fact he wasn’t involved.”

“Wait.” Luke stills his nervous movements. “Are you in trouble, Jack? Because the Colonel got away?”

“Don’t even worry about that,” Jack says.

Luke gets angry again. “I’m not a child. You don’t have to protect me from the truth.”

“Fine.” Jack leans against the wall and folds his arms. “Yes, I’m in trouble. But it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

“Are you going to lose your job?”

“Hell, no,” Chris interrupts. “Oakdale PD did their best. They had no way of knowing a trusted member of my staff would help Colonel Mayer escape.”

Luke winces. “Reid.”

“I’ll testify up and down that Dr. Oliver was the sole reason for the Colonel’s escape,” Chris says, his voice tight. He turns to Jack. “What about medical care for Noah?”

“I’ve been told he will receive appropriate medical attention.”

“Who decides what’s appropriate? He’s my fucking patient. I should have been consulted.”

“I’m sorry, Dr. Hughes, but there wasn’t time. You were in surgery-"

Chris interrupts again. “Are they aware of the extent-" He breaks off, glancing at Luke, then starts again. “There’s always the possibility of post-operative complications. Noah’s condition needs to be carefully monitored.”

“I’m sorry, Dr. Hughes,” Jack says. “This is all out of my hands.”

“Out of your jurisdiction?” Chris asks bitterly.

Jack doesn’t rise to the bait. “Precisely.”

“Wait,” Luke says, “are you saying you don’t know where Noah is? Or how to reach him?”

“I don’t,” Jack admits. “I wasn’t consulted on any of this. I’m sorry, Luke.”

Luke’s eyes fill with tears. “But he's all alone."

“He’ll be guarded twenty-four seven-"

“That’s not the same thing, and you know it.” Luke scowls at Jack. “Can I at least get a message to him?”


“But...did he leave a message for me?”

Jack rubs his eyes. “About that...”

Luke practically stands on tiptoe. “Yes?”

Jack sighs. He’s getting tired of his role as the bearer of bad news. “I know you boys talked the night...the night Noah came home. Reconnected.” He doesn’t want to have to mention The Incident.

Fortunately, Luke catches his drift. He folds his arms defensively. “Yeah? And?”

“And...Noah doesn’t actually...remember any of that.”

Luke stares at him. “What?” he says in a tiny voice.

Jack rubs his eyes again. “Noah says he remembers arriving at the station and turning his father in. But after that...nothing. I think it’s pretty common for trauma victims.” He turns helplessly to Chris, who steps in.

“That’s true. And Noah was on a hell of a lot of painkillers, which can affect memory.”

Luke stares at them bleakly. “So what you’re saying is that, for all Noah remembers, I’m still with Reid.”

Jack winces but nods. “I’m sorry, Luke. When Noah comes back, the two of you can sort everything out.”

“If he comes back, you mean.”

“He will, I promise.”

“Sure. As long as the state doesn’t send him to jail. Or he doesn’t run off and do something crazy again.” Luke’s voice catches, and he clears his throat. “Can I at least get a message to him? Please?”

“Luke,” Jack says patiently. “There’s a reason I don’t know where he is. Or anyone else except those personally responsible for his safety. It’s better this way.” He puts his hand on Luke’s shoulder again, but Luke shrugs it off.

“Bullshit,” he growls. “Noah stuck alone in some safe house, away from everyone who cares about him? And not in control of his own life, where he can go and when? He will hate that, and you know it.”

“At least he’ll be alive.”

Luke turns away in disgust, and Jack deepens his tone to his most authoritative. “Luke, listen to me very carefully. We already know the Colonel is capable of anything. He nearly killed Noah this week.”

Luke scowls. “No kidding,” he mutters darkly. “The bastard shot him,”

“Maloney did that.”

Luke’s eyes widen. “He did?”

Jack curses himself for his slip. “He and Noah struggled over the gun, and it went off. Noah still managed to subdue Maloney and turn his father in.”

Luke rubs his eyes tiredly. “I guess I never got the whole story. I was so focused on Noah.”

“That’s fine,” Jack says quickly. The less Luke knows about Maloney, the better. “Like I said, we know the Colonel is capable of anything. And that he’s threatened Noah. As long as he’s at large, the safest place for Noah is protective custody. I know it’s hard, but he’ll be back soon.”

“Provided they catch the Colonel,” Chris puts in.

Jack glares at him. “They will. Every law enforcement agency in the country is on alert. And unless the Colonel changes his game plan, he’s not going anywhere. The man is obsessed with his son. Which is why you,” Jack pokes Luke in the chest, “need to stay out of sight.”

“Gonna send me to witness protection, too, Jack?”

“I would if I could,” Jack says flatly. “And don’t give me that look, Luke Snyder. Do you think I could face your parents, face Noah, if anything happened to you?”

Luke has the grace to look abashed. “I’m sorry. I know you’re just trying to help.”

“I am. The security team your grandmother hired are top-notch. I expect you to cooperate with them at all times. No more sneaking off on your own. Oakdale PD will drive by your parents’ house and check in on a regular basis. I’m on my way to talk to the state about additional protection. Don’t argue with me,” he adds as Luke begins to do just that. “The best thing you can do for Noah right now is look to your own safety. The Colonel’s not above using you as a weapon.”

“I know that!” Luke snaps. “I know that’s why Noah went after him in the first place.”

“And how the Colonel forced Reid...I mean, Dr. Oliver to help him,” Chris sighs.

“I know that, too,” Luke snarls at him. “I also know I’m sick and fucking tired of people doing stupid reckless crazy things to protect me and claiming it’s because they love me. If they really loved me, they’d talk to me. Ask me what I want, not do what they think is best without consulting me. They’d treat me like a fucking adult, an equal, instead of a child. Noah and I could have faced this together, instead of...”

Luke breaks off, shaking his head. “But of course, I was with Reid, so Noah figured what the hell, he’d throw his whole damn life away.”

He glares at Jack. “Do you have any idea how insulting that is? How infuriating?”

Jack smothers a smile. He knows this is the part of Luke that Noah loves best; the fearless, passionate fighter. It’s a relief to have him back after the last few days of quiet, devastated, broken Luke. Now Jack just has to keep him safe.

He realizes Luke is still waiting for a reply. “Uh, not really, but I think you should definitely tell Noah.”

“I can’t do that right now, can I?” Luke says furiously. He stops, breathing hard. “But I can tell Reid.”

He turns and marches down the hall.

“Luke...” Jack begins.

Luke whirls around. “Don’t you dare try and stop me!”

“I won’t.” Jack holds up his hands in surrender. “Just, two things.”

Luke plants his hands on his hips. “What?”

“One, this gentleman will accompany you.” He nods to the private security guard who’s been hovering like Luke’s hulking, six-foot-four, heavily armed shadow. “Don’t argue with me on this,” Jack adds.

Luke folds his arms and gives an imperious nod. “Fine, but he needs to stay out of my way.”

Jack raises his eyebrows at the guard, incongruously named Elmo, who gives a brief nod. Jack spoke with the man earlier, so he’s confident he’ll be on his impulsive cousin like white on rice.

“Secondly, I don’t have a problem with you giving Dr. Oliver a piece of your mind. But his attorney might, so get her permission first.”

“Fine, I will,” Luke snaps, then turns on his heel and continues marching down the corridor. “I practically own this friggin’ hospital. I can do whatever I want.” Still ranting, he disappears around the corner, Elmo gliding silently but inexorably in his wake. For a big man, he moves like a cat.

Jack turns back to Chris. “You should get some rest, Dr. Hughes. No offense, but you look like crap.”

Chris shakes his head. “I’m going to look in on my patient, then check Casey’s progress. My father’s the best surgeon I know, but I’d like to be available if he needs my assistance.”

“Good luck,” Jack says.

Chris grunts in reply, then heads down the hall, shoulders slumped. Jack can see the moment when he mentally pulls himself together, straightens his spine, and slips back into doctor mode. His steps become brisk, his manner professional, competent, and reassuring. He could be walking into a war zone, an operating theater, or a room full of toddlers with the stomach flu, and he’d be just as calm. Jack has never seen him look so much like his father.

Jack sighs and leans against the wall again. Like Chris, he needs to get his game face on. It’s time to face the music, face his failures head on. Colonel Mayer and his accomplice are once again at large, and God only knows what they’re planning now. Jack only hopes he’ll get to keep his job long enough to bring them to justice and end this nightmare. To ensure once and for all that his family and his town are safe.

Until then, he hopes to God he’s done the right thing.

Like Chris and Luke, Jack straightens his spine and marches down the hall. Today’s skirmish with the Colonel may have ended in a draw, but the battle is far from over.


The End

nuke fanfic, atwt fic

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