Nov 10, 2005 01:33
12 reasons I know I'm from South Carolina...
- More than 10 of my cities or towns end with "ville" or "burg"
- I eat rice with every meal (oh, and did I mention ramen noodles are from heaven?)
- I can tell what part of SC someone is from as soon as they open their mouth.
- When I say or understand the meaning of "bo"
-I actually like corn bread.
- When school is cancelled for it being too cold...and heaven forbid there be the smallest snow flake ...the whole upstate will shut down!
- When I break out MY warmest winter coat when it gets below 60 degrees
- When my Construction signs say " Let 'Em Work, Let 'Em Live"
-When the biggest racist in my state has a Black biological daughter
- I learned how to drive at the age of 10.
- I know the difference between a Palm tree and a Palmetto tree!!
-Taters are veggies, right?