April the First

Apr 01, 2011 07:43

Currently Reading: " Fragile Things" - Neil Gaiman

This week I first did exactly this:

image Click to view

and becoming enraged at being slowed down by a truck carrying a variety of pop and bottled products I proceeded to hijack it and then do exactly this:

image Click to view

However as you can see these oil-based plastic products were still INSOLENT, so in my fury I crafted a pillow mace exactly like this one:

at which point I sang the theme for the Warhammer of Zillyhoo, exactly like this, even the off-key part, and I terrorized the countryside!


April Fools Suckah! I did not really do any of the above!

As you recover from the shock and disappointment you may be interested to learn that I went to a great party last Saturday, after which I still got up early Sunday to go to a pancake Fireman's benefit with assorted non-immediate family members, after which I crashed and awoke on Monday, which every year I take off on this date as a day of quiet meditation and introspection. I biked out to the city limits that night and sat out beneath the stars remembering a track from the CD "Endurance" by  Irezumi (or in other words a 'dark ambient' melody inspired by Ernest Shackleton's ill-fated expedition to the Antarctic) and using "avatar experiences" as I guess they might be called now (much shorter to write than than "Artists in all fields regularly walk audiences and readers through every moment of lost intimacy they have faced through the entirety of their failed and miserable lives") I attempted to reconstruct history as though I had chosen to go to ISU instead of the University of Iowa in an attempt to solve, at least hypothetically, a philosophical problem I was badly alluding to in my December 23rd post, renewed in my interest from another old friend recommending Anamanaguchi this week and the discovery that several of my high school friends, after meeting and forming a band, befriended an old friend from science camp named Paul Hertz, who apparently like many, many of my other Summer compatriots went to ISU and began breaking down the nice little social subcompartments I have been used to for decades. What would my life have been like had I bridged all of these relationships into a glob? Would this system look different had I been present to facilitate? Consequentially I may never have actually graduated from college had I constantly been called to hang out, jam and play frisbee, but I would probably know how to ride a unicycle... and there would probably be several specific key moments of history personally and non-personally that would have totally changed in outcome, specifically one that limits current interactivity with some of the people mentioned due to overriding issues of social utility in a highly unfavorable context. Then again I would have never met all of the people I know in Iowa City, and the opportunity opens for many more instances of agenda distortion! I should likely just be glad that by far things aren't as bad as they could be.

Anyhow, I was glad this week to see that Kansas City has been awarded Google's highest favor, great choice, that rocks, I ran Tuesday into the personal Lenten-spaghetti-paradox (a very silly paradox indeed) and also I spent several hours today after going to Westbranch building a giant bonfire since there wasn't much science consulting to be done. Even after a shower my hair still smells faintly of smoke. Watch out for pranks everyone!
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