Currently Reading: "After That, We Are Ignorant" - Bilal Tanweer
> I attended a big Lego party today, I ate chocolate Lego men while playing a Lego boardgame, helping a kid to assemble a Lego Atlantis set, and watching a friend build a programmable Mindstorm bot, all before running to catch a late night viewing of "The King's Speech" (which Hitchens rightly smears a bit for revisionism). It has been quite a week for weird films and music actually- but perhaps principally exciting, fusion-powered-sandwich-fabricators and Van Gogh pie charts aside, has been
this, and as I was just discussing with some friends
this (where tonight's title originates). I <3 sublinear emegence from arbitrary convention!
Also following Global Voices and a few other of my normal sites has been an education in Middle-Eastern politics recently as Egypt, Jordan, and Syria have their own "
sublinear emergences". I feel a bit bad for Israel given the new diplomatic reality they likely face but have no doubt of their willingness to fight for national survival. I hope that my two friends in Egypt are OK (and they had better not be part of the horde running about defacing ancient relics in the museums)...