Currently Reading: "Troilus and Cressida" - rewritten by an anonymous author to be still more depressing
I've encountered an ethical dilemma these past few sleepy days, and it is consequentially complicated. There have been unintended consequences to a planned course of action that I took, and while I was aware of the exigency now living in it I find it difficult not to intervene in taking a chance to "fix"
the flaw in the outcome through manipulation of several actors to set things right. They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions however, and there are awful risks in the field of probability, leading me through Bayesian analysis to the conclusion that I should do nothing, and also that I suck. Does time heal all wounds? Playing god with people's social connections doesn't reliably... I've been jamming on my sitar quite a bit and trying to reframe the situation perceptually in my mind to suggest that a greater good will come of what has happened, by accident of fate. These are poor rationalizations of little comfort, but things are mostly good as a result of my choices, and
science would seem to agree, except of course for Émile Durkheim.
Speaking of social connections, keep an eye out for
this guy, he is a friend of a friend of a friend, and he has been memeshanked by "The Celestine Prophecy".