Oct 14, 2007 12:48
People still talk about supply-side economics like they work.
Major Republican campaign donors insulate their houses with bales of taxpayer money.
God forbid the government provide health insurance to children, though.
We're STILL in Iraq.
Loopy mercenaries we pay for are STILL in Iraq, so we can say we're "reducing" troop levels.
The government can listen to anything I say on the phone with no cause or warrant.
Our president must read from a phonetic teleprompter. ("KAH-JEE-KISS-TAN")
We can't admit that Turkey committed genocide against the Armenians, despite all evidence to the contrary, because Republicans need to claim we still have a Coalition of the Willing in Iraq.
Turkey's right: we committed genocide against the people who lived here before us. We can't admit that, either.
We were transparently lied to for the sake of an optional war that has had the effect of killing hundreds of thousands of people, establishing new terrorist cells, skewing an election through fear, and making billions of dollars for the people who need it least.
The people who supported this decision are still too embarrassed or dumb to admit it was a mistake.
Patriotism has the new definition of "wearing a flag lapel pin".
A multi-billion-dollar fortified embassy in Baghdad is proceeding swimmingly, despite comical examples of greed, ineptitude, and war profiteering involved in its construction.
People all over the Gulf Coast still live in trailers.
I know it's hard to admit that every political opinion you've supported over the last 7 years has been totally wrong, but it seems like 30% of the population still needs to take that big first step.