Apologies for the lack of advance warning--things have been a bit hectic over here--but the 5th annual Lord of the Rings-a-thon is well underway! We started around 7:00 PM with the Microsoft Word 100-word autosummary of the trilogy, and moved on presently to the series itself.
(Info about the LotR-a-thon two years ago to be found in my archive
Internet Stream:
http://hera.st.hmc.edu:5269/lotr.ogg (should be available off campus.) Open that link in Winamp or your OGG-capable audio player of choice if you'd like to listen to us as you work, eat, or sleep!
We're about 20-30 minutes behind schedule, but going strong; the Fellowship has just retreated from Caradhras, and is on its way to Moria.
ziqueenmab, and I read The Council of Elrond together around 4:00 PM, which was quite fun! I'm going to end up reading The Riders of Rohan around 11:30 AM today, and The Land of Shadow around 9:40 AM tomorrow . . . I might end up doing a couple other chapters before the weekend is up, but we'll see how things go.
The full schedule. Times given are ([estimated starting time]/[actual starting time]) as of 6:33 AM:
* 0.0 (Fri 7:00pm/7:23pm) Introduction (Word auto-summary) --
gdarklighter * I.1 (Fri 7:09pm/7:25pm) A Long-Expected Party (
* I.2 (Fri 8:01pm/???) The Shadow of the Past (Matthew Lawson)
* I.3 (Fri 9:01pm/9:27pm) Three is Company (
* I.4 (Fri 9:53pm/10:25pm) A Short Cut to Mushrooms (
* I.5 (Fri 10:22pm/11:00pm) A Conspiracy Unmasked (Brian Kirkpatrick)
* I.6 (Fri 10:48pm/11:27pm) The Old Forest (Ben Fogelson)
* I.7 (Fri 11:23pm/11:58pm) In the House of Tom Bombadil (David Lapayowker)
* I.8 (Fri 11:50pm/12:23am) Fog on the Barrow-Downs (Ben Fogelson)
* I.9 (Sat 12:24am/12:56am) At the Sign of the Prancing Pony --
gdarklighter * I.10 (Sat 12:56am/1:23am) Strider (
* I.11 (Sat 1:27am/1:53 am) A Knife in the Dark (Ben Fogelson)
* I.12 (Sat 2:20am/2:37am) Flight to the Ford (Ben Fogelson?)
* II.1 (Sat 3:02am/3:16a) Many Meetings (
* II.2 (Sat 3:47am/4:05a) The Council of Elrond (
* II.3 (Sat 5:15am/5:37a) The Ring Goes South (Brian Kirkpatrick)
* II.4 (Sat 6:13am) A Journey in the Dark (
* II.5 (Sat 7:14am) The Bridge of Khazad-Dum (Brian Kirkpatrick)
* II.6 (Sat 7:47am) Lothlorien (
sithjawa only if no one else wants it)
* II.7 (Sat 8:35am) The Mirror of Galadriel (Scrippsie Cypress)
* II.8 (Sat 9:14am) Farewell to Lorien (
* II.9 (Sat 9:47am) The Great River
* II.10 (Sat 10:25am) The Breaking of the Fellowship
* III.1 (Sat 11:06am) The Departure of Boromir (
* III.2 (Sat 11:27am) The Riders of Rohan (
* III.3 (Sat 12:26pm) The Uruk-Hai
* III.4 (Sat 1:08pm) Treebeard (
* III.5 (Sat 2:31pm) The White Rider (Kevin Oelze)
* III.6 (Sat 3:17pm) The King of the Golden Hall (
* III.7 (Sat 4:12pm) Helm's Deep (Richard Mehlinger)
* III.8 (Sat 4:50pm) The Road to Isengard (
* III.9 (Sat 5:35pm) Flotsam and Jetsam (
* III.10 (Sat 6:18pm) The Voice of Saruman (Brian Kirkpatrick)
* III.11 (Sat 6:53pm) The Palantir (
* IV.1 (Sat 7:32pm) The Taming of Smeagol (Kevin Oelze)
* IV.2 (Sat 8:17pm) The Passage of the Marshes (Martin Pyne)
* IV.3 (Sat 9:00pm) The Black Gate is Closed (Martin Pyne)
* IV.4 (Sat 9:34pm) Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit (
* IV.5 (Sat 10:06pm) The Window on the West (
* IV.6 (Sat 11:01pm) The Forbidden Pool (
* IV.7 (Sat 11:30pm) Journey to the Crossroads (
* IV.8 (Sat 11:55pm) The Stairs of Cirith Ungol (David Lapayowker)
* IV.9 (Sat 12:30am) Shelob's Lair (Lindsay Tice)
* IV.10 (Sat 12:59am) The Choices of Master Samwise (Kevin Oelze)
* V.1 (Sun 1:32am PST) Minas Tirith (Brian Kirkpatrick)
Switch to Daylight Savings Time
* V.2 (Sun 3:39am PDT) The Passing of the Grey Company
* V.3 (Sun 4:30am) The Muster of Rohan
* V.4 (Sun 5:09am) The Siege of Gondor (Andrew Hunter)
* V.5 (Sun 6:08am) The Ride of the Rohirrim
* V.6 (Sun 6:32am) The Battle of the Pelennor Fields (Andrew Hunter)
* V.7 (Sun 6:59am) The Pyre of Denethor (
* V.8 (Sun 7:19am) The Houses of Healing (
* V.9 (Sun 7:52am) The Last Debate
* V.10 (Sun 8:19am) The Black Gate Opens (Brian Kirkpatrick)
* VI.1 (Sun 8:47am) The Tower of Cirith Ungol
* VI.2 (Sun 9:36am) The Land of Shadow (
* VI.3 (Sun 10:20am) Mount Doom
* VI.4 (Sun 11:01am) The Field of Cormallen
* VI.5 (Sun 11:27am) The Steward and the King (
* VI.6 (Sun 12:04pm) Many Partings
* VI.7 (Sun 12:49pm) Homeward Bound (
* VI.8 (Sun 1:08pm) The Scouring of the Shire (
* VI.9 (Sun 2:02pm) The Grey Havens (