Jan 03, 2011 09:39
Apparently, I did not do New Years resolutions last year, not official ones that I wrote down anyway. I have quite a few for this year, though:
1. Get the finances under control. We have several credit cards, most with manageable balances, and one credit card with a huge balance because we transferred two cards onto it because it has no interest until the summer of 2012. Our goal is to get all the other cards with $0 balance or at least to the point where we pay them off every month, and to get a lot paid off of the giant card.
2. Save money for a house. Unless we win the lottery or someone dies and leaves us tons of money, there is no way we are moving without money saved for a down payment. We need about $20,000, and that's only if we can sell our house at pretty much what we paid for it. $25,000 would be better. There's about $1000 in that bucket now. It's a start.
3. Lose 50 pounds. I have lost more than that in a year and I know I'm capable, I just need to do it. I figure that 50 is a good compromise considering I'm still nursing and crazy busy. That, and I'm not 22 anymore (which is how old I was when I lost 75 pounds in a year). In fact, I'm 29. Today. :)
4. Do better with Maddy's diet. She is not fat by any means, but considering I've been fat since I was 8 years old and Will and I don't have the best eating habits all the time, I want to instill healthy eating in her now. Way too often I reach for the old standby chicken nuggets or mac and cheese for dinner. There's nothing wrong with that, but she needs to be eating veggies with dinner too. She also needs to start eating more of what we're eating for dinner and I think it's probably also time to start putting dinner in front of her and saying "this is dinner. the end." All too often I ask her what she wants to eat (and nowadays she says no to everything) and she's getting old enough to either eat what I'm serving or not. As my mother always said, "this is not a resturant."
5. Stop procrastinating so much at work. I enjoy my job, I just often get sucked into other things (like LJ or scouts) and I don't do as much as I could. I could do so much better, and it's about time I did.
So...I guess I'll go get started on Number 5.... :)