Gargleblasted Application

May 10, 2011 01:36


Name: Aarika
Are you over 16?: Yes
Personal LJ: rikasaurus
Timezone: North American Eastern time.
Other contact:
Characters already in the game: None
How did you find us?: I knew about this game for a while because I have friends who play here.


Character name: Artemis Crock
Fandom: Young Justice Animated
Timeline: Post episode 9.
Age: 15
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: As one of the only members of her team without actual super powers, she makes up for it by being an extremely skilled archer. Coupled with that, she’s also a martial artist.

How would they use their abilities?: Currently, she uses her archery and martial arts skills to fight alongside her team mates, as well as for self defense and to train in her free time.

Appearance: While in costume, Artemis wears a green cowl that is attached to a sleeveless top that bears her midriff, combat boots, and spandex pants that are accessorized with a belt around her waist, 2 bands on her left leg, and knee guards. On her top, there is a good sized green arrow logo on it pointing upward. She wears a band on her left bicep and fingerless gloves on both forearms. Artemis also wears a quiver on her back to store her crossbow and arrows.

Her distinct features can be seen when not wearing her cowl. She is of Caucasian and Vietnamese descent, having darkly-colored, narrow eyes and blond hair that she wears in a long ponytail. She also has a slender build.

Before getting into Artemis's history, a group known as the Justice League is mentioned several times. The Justice League is basically a huge group of superheroes that was formed in order to fight crime. Their headquarters is a watch tower satellite in space, although they have a Hall of Justice on Earth that acts as a tourist attraction. Originally, some of the members adopted Artemis's team mates as sidekicks and proteges before they formed their own team. The League members who are most connected to Artemis are Red Tornado (who is the team's supervisor/caretaker), Green Arrow (who is her new mentor and alleged 'uncle'), and Batman (who assigns missions to her team and suggested that she joined for unknown reasons).

Artemis is the latest addition to her team, and seems to be doing right by them so far. She replaced former member Red Arrow. She was introduced as the new protégé and niece of Green Arrow, a member of the Justice League. However, she’s really not his niece and it is unknown what her true motives are. Not much is known about her, but it is implied that she has a very sketchy and dangerous past.

When Artemis first joined the team, Batman and Green Arrow (members of the Justice League and mentors to some fellow members), brought her to Mount Justice to introduce her to her new team mates. Needless to say, she was off to a rocky start. At first, she didn't make a good impression on her teammates, especially on fellow team mate Kid Flash, who felt that she was the reason Red Arrow quit. The very first mission she took part in was helping to protect a scientist by the name of Serling Roquette, who was being pursued by a group of assassins that were sent by a group of higher power known as The League of Shadows. Throughout this mission, Artemis mostly ended up confronting Cheshire, one of the assassins. When the team successfully thwarted the other assassins that accompanied Cheshire, Artemis was the last to confront her. When Cheshire’s mask was knocked off during the confrontation, Artemis immediately recognized her and let her go instead of capturing her in fear that Cheshire would reveal who Artemis really is, which is still unknown. Artemis apparently has a connection to Cheshire and the League of Shadows, but it is not known what kind of connection it is. Shortly after Cheshire escapes, Red Arrow then confronts Artemis, saying that he knows that she is not Green Arrow’s niece and warns her not to hurt his friends.

On August 19th, the team is given another mission in which they have to find the missing Kent Nelson, and elderly man who was also known as Dr. Fate and a member of the Justice Society, another hero group. Throughout this mission, she was frustrated by her team mate, Kid Flash, who was a nonbeliever in magic and constantly said he believed just to impress their other teammate, Miss Martian. At one point, his lies almost got himself, along with the rest of the team killed, and Artemis eventually called him out. This forced Kid Flash to say he didn’t believe. Later, Kid Flash and Artemis ended up finding Nelson, who turned out being held captive by the villains Abra Kadabra and Klarion the Witch Boy. Artemis is then separated from Kid Flash, but reunited with their other team mates, who she fights against Kadabra with. The team succeeded in taking down both Klarion and Kadabra in the end.

On August 27th, Artemis’ life outside superhero work is looked into. She lives with her mother, who is in a wheelchair. She is watching television and tinkering with her arrows when her mom comes into the room with a letter from Gotham Academy. The letter says that she was awarded a full scholarship from the Wayne Foundation to attend the school, even though she didn't apply. While her mom is overjoyed at the news, Artemis is not, saying that she does not want to go since she already has friends at the school she currently attends. Her mom tries to make her go, saying that if she doesn’t, she cannot take part in her superhero activities. Artemis then pretty much tells her mom she cannot make her go, which made her mother cry. Her mom wants her to go to the school so Artemis can make up for her sketchy past, which is something her mom herself did not have a chance to do. Artemis then changes her mind and says she’ll attend the school for her mother.

On September 4th, the team is sent on a mission in a place called Bialya, but their memories from the last 6 months are erased and they are all separated. Artemis wakes up inside a cabin with Kid Flash, who she typically has an adversarial relationship with, but had no memories of. She did not recognize the costume she was wearing and suspected that her father made her take part in one of these ‘tests’ he had a tendency to subject her to. She thinks she is supposed to kill Kid Flash because her father wants her to, but, of course, she does not go through with it. Afterward, the two face off against Superboy, another member of their team, and the Bialyan army, and then escape from them for the time being. Later, Artemis and Kid Flash are reunited with fellow teammates Robin, and then Miss Martian, who restores their memories. Artemis was very hesitant when she found that Miss Martian was going to need to go into their minds, saying that it’s an invasion of privacy (and that she has done things in her past that she’s not proud of and was afraid Miss Martian would see), but Kid Flash convinced her that it would be alright. After Miss Martian restores Artemis’, Robin’s, and Kid Flash’s memories, they find their team leader, Aqualad, who Artemis ends up looking after when they all return to the bio-ship.

After succeeding in their mission, Artemis and the rest of the team return to headquarters.

Personality: Artemis, for the most part, is known to have a ‘tough attitude’. In fact, it was her attitude at first that contributed to her not making a good impression on her team mates at first. She has no problem challenging anyone and will put whoever questions her in their place. During her first mission, it was her snarkiness that really got under Kid Flash’s skin and her making a comment about Superboy that everyone could hear which angered Miss Martian. When Miss Martian called her out, saying that she embarrassed Superboy and wonders why she must challenge everyone, Artemis replied, saying herself that where she comes from, that’s how people survive. Her team eventually accepts her.

She also has somewhat of a short temper, which is mostly seen when she is around people who aggravate her and also has no problem speaking her mind.

Despite all that, Artemis is still easy to befriend, as she is able to get along with most of her team mates, now. It is also shown that she also a sense of humor.

Have you read up on how the game works?: Your home was destroyed and you ended up on Thor and somehow have to make money through jobs, mooching, and freelancing.

1st person sample:

[A feed pops up, showing a young girl in green who does not look too happy to be where she is, and may or may not have had to push a lot of buttons to figure out how this thing worked.]

Wait, wait, wait. Can someone please tell me what’s going on? How’d I get on this ship? And what happened to the planet?!


Well, seeing as the planet has apparently been destroyed, it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to leave. I wonder if the rest of the team is here... [Heck, seeing as how badly things seem to have gone, she wouldn’t have even minded a familiar face. Even seeing Wally, of all people, wouldn’t so bad.]

3rd person sample:
Artemis was obviously not happy. Sure, she was lucky to even be alive, but her home planet was destroyed, she was stranded in an unfamiliar place, and, on top of that, she saw no sign of her team mates, her mother, or even the Justice League. All she could think about was their well being. She was hoping they were alright; that they somehow escaped this disaster and are not in the same situation she is in.

Being in an unfamiliar place is never fun, especially when no one you are familiar with is around to rough it with you. Well, seeing as she would not be returning home anytime soon, Artemis had to make the best of this situation. She had to do something if she wanted to survive on Thor. Who knows, maybe in the process, she will be reunited with her friends.

“Tch. I may as well figure something out…”

Artemis went to further explore the ship, seeing if she would be able to find something to do. Maybe this place offered jobs or some sort of freelance work. She was sure she would be able to handle being here after a while and was definitely up to the challenge.

Questions?: Seeing as the show only has 9 episodes and went on a long hiatus, when the show returns and something happens with the character that I want to add to the game, would I be able to do a canon update if possible?

Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Yep!

gargleblasted, ooc, application

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