Title: The Tao of Not Murdering All Your Friends
Main Characters: Willow, Not Willow, Xander, the Overcompensator 9000.
Summary: The merry adventures of Not Willow and all her friend.
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me. Also, I stole the "all her friend" joke from House.
Rating: R.
All previous parts can be found
here. You'll want to check there if you've been following this from an LJ community rather than directly from my blog, as I've skipped a couple of entries (I was on vacation).
It's not that I'm not supportive. I am. Supportive, I mean. I am Support-O-Willow. Supportiveness is me. But, er, when exactly did I enroll in the vampire-slaying business? I'm not trying to be unconstructive or anything but, hello, bloodthirsty creature of the night here.